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Describe a successful collaboration with an external organization.


Situation: In my role as Chief of Infrastructure and Operations at the Defense Health Agency (DHA), I was given the challenging task of overhauling our global network infrastructure that supports 1,212 sites, facilitating vital communication services. This project required collaboration with multiple stakeholders including network engineers, server administrators, and Global Service Center (GSC) analysts.

Task: My primary responsibility was to unite these diverse groups, ensuring seamless implementation and operational continuity. Beyond the technical aspects, I also had to foster understanding and align the different parties towards a common objective.

Action: To ensure successful collaboration, I adopted a partnership-centric approach. I initiated regular discussions and workshops with the involved parties. These sessions not only served to build rapport but also ensured that all teams had a unified vision of the project’s goals. The mutual understanding we developed allowed for efficient coordination, effective problem-solving, and streamlined decision-making.

Result: As a result of this partnership and collaboration, we successfully overhauled our network infrastructure. This led to a significant cost saving of $11 million for the organization. Additionally, our collaborative efforts facilitated the expansion of the Global Network Operations Center (GNOC) and GSC missions, enabling them to serve an additional 150 clinics across the MHS global enterprise.

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How do you navigate politics within a large organization?


Situation: During my tenure as a senior leader in DHA J-6, I frequently encountered the intricate dynamics of both internal and external politics. One such instance was when I had the mission to secure funding for IT service management across multiple DoD and VA agencies.

Task: Understanding the politics within and between these organizations was paramount to ensure the successful allocation of funds. I was responsible for making strategic decisions and negotiations to secure the required funding without ruffling feathers or causing internal conflicts.

Action: To navigate these politics, I always prioritized diplomacy and tact. I began by thoroughly researching and understanding the priorities, challenges, and motivations of each stakeholder group. This knowledge allowed me to approach negotiations with a clear understanding of what each party valued most. Leveraging my comprehension of organizational dynamics, I engaged in strategic negotiations, emphasizing mutual benefits, cost savings, and operational efficiencies. By maintaining open lines of communication, listening actively to concerns, and providing transparent justifications for my proposals, I ensured that all parties felt heard and valued.

Result: My approach to understanding and navigating the organizational politics led to the successful securing of over $13.4 million in IT service management funding from these agencies. This not only resulted in 42% savings in just one year but also strengthened inter-departmental relationships and built trust.

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Share an example when you had to persuade stakeholders to support an initiative.


Situation: As Chief of Infrastructure and Operations at the Defense Health Agency (DHA), I faced a significant challenge when tasked with consolidating four separate vendor contracts into one unified contract to streamline operations and reduce costs.

Task: The consolidation would yield substantial operational efficiencies and cost savings. However, various stakeholders had long-standing relationships with different vendors, and there were apprehensions about the transition. My goal was to get everyone on board with this change.

Action: Recognizing the importance of collaboration and consensus, I organized a series of stakeholder meetings. I prepared a detailed analysis showcasing the potential cost savings, increased efficiency, and long-term benefits of the consolidation. I used facts, figures, and projections to make a compelling case. To address concerns, I initiated open forums for stakeholders to voice their reservations. By actively listening to their concerns, I could tailor my responses and solutions to their specific apprehensions. Throughout the process, I emphasized the mutual benefits of consolidation and ensured transparency in all communications.

Result: Through persistent efforts, effective persuasion, and fostering an environment of trust and collaboration, I managed to gain the consensus of all stakeholders involved. We successfully consolidated the four vendor contracts into one, leading to significant cost savings and operational efficiencies for DHA.

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