Ecosystems Flashcards
Relating to non-living things.
Relating to living things.
Creature that eats herbivores and/or plant matter.
An organism such as a bacterium or fungus, that breaks down dead tissue, which is then recycled to the environment.
A community of plants and animals that interact with each other and their physical environment.
Food Chain
The connections between different organisms (plants and animals) that rely on one another as their source of food.
Food Web
A complex hierarchy of plants and animals relying on each other for food.
Nutrient Cycling
A set of processes whereby organisms extract minerals necessary for growth from soil or water, before passing them on through the food chain – and ultimately back to the soil and water.
Global Ecosystem
Very large ecological areas of the Earth’s surface (or biomes), with fauna and flora (animals and plants) adapting to their environment. Examples include tropical rainforest and hot desert.
An organism or plant that is able to absorb energy from the sun through photosynthesis.
Types of organism
Producer, consumer or decomposer.
Eats other consumers or producers
Gets energy by breaking down dead material. E.g. bacteria and fungi.
What happens if part of an ecosystem changes?
Some parts of the ecosystem relies on others for a source of food or habitat.
What determines the type of ecosystem?
Climate impacts the 6 types of ecosystem>
1) Tundra - high lattitudes above 60 degrees in the Nortjh, cold winters, brief summers, hardly any trees, mosses, grasses.
2) Grassland - Savannah grasslands in the tropics (distinct seasons, low rainfall) and Temperate grasslands (higher lattitudes, more temperature variation, no trees, less rainfall.
3) Temperate deciduous forest - mid lattitudes, four seasons, Summers warm, mild Winters, rainfall all year round, deciduous trees.
4) Tropical rainforest - close to Equator, hot and wet all year round, lush forest, dense canopies.
5) Polar - North and South poles. Very cold, icy, not much growth, short growing season.
6) Hot desert - Between 15 and 35 degrees North and South. Little rainfall. High variation in temperature between day and night, sandy soil, sparce vegetation.