Ecosystems Flashcards
Monte Verde Cloud Forest - Positives
Social: Money provided from the MCF is used a school from nursery to high school
Economic: Eco-tourism is worth $100 million to Costa Rican economy each year
Environmental: There are over 100 species of mammal in the MCF
Monte Verde Cloud Forest - Negatives
Social: tourist can disturb the locals there
Economic: Its value as land can be used instead for agricultural use
Environmental: 7000 people visit the MVF - most through planes
Clyde River - Positives
Social: 1000 inuits use it as a habitat to live naturally
Economic: Provides tourism which gives jobs and an income
Environmental: 2000 Bowhead Whales stop annually while migrating
Clyde River - Negatives
Social: Less tourists due to limit and increase of price
Economic: Reduces fishing therefore people cant use fishing as a source of money
Environmental: Sound pollution disrupts breeding cycles
Antarctic Treaty - Positives
Environmental: Banned coal mining for 50 years
Social/ Environmental: Banned nuclear testing from Antarctica (social due to preservation of natural landscapes)
Antarctic Treaty - Negatives
Environmental: The treaty expires by 2048
Environmental: Climate temperature increased 2.6C in the past 60 years
Economic: Less income from tourism due to restriction