Economics Flashcards
What do material living standards refer to?
Refers to a person or families level of income that provides them with the ability to purchase more goods and services
What does economic growth refer to?
Economic growth refers to increasing the level of national output or production between one year and the next.
What do non-material living standards refer to?
Refers to aspects relation to the quality of our lives, usually related to happiness.
When does economic growth exist?
Economic growth exists when a country’s economy gets bigger over time. It occurs when there is a rise in total volume of goods and services produced by a nation between one year and the next.
How to compare one years economic growth to another?
To make ones years economic growth comparable with another’s, the exaggeration of the value of production caused by the effects of inflation or generally rising prices is removed statically. This is referred to as real GDP.
Average material living standards formula
GPD (millions) / total population size (millions)
Identify and explain two types of factors affecting Australia’s economic growth
- Demand side factors - anything which alters spending in the short term
- Supply side factors - anything which alters the supply of resources available for production, and the economies long term productive capacity
What does opportunity cost refer to?
Opportunity cost refers to the next best alternative that has been forgone when an economic decision has been made.
What is sustainable economic development?
A method of expanding the economy’s production levels to meet the needs for goods and services of the present population, without undermining the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
The benefits and costs of economic growth
Benefits: Cost:
- Employment. - Inflation
- Personal incomes
- International trade
- Living standards
Explain how employment is a benefit of economic growth
Strong economic growth helps to create extra jobs. This helps to reduce unemployment rates.
Explain how inflation is a negative of economic growth?
When an economy grows quickly it may become stretched to its productive capacity causing a shortage of resources and this can cause inflation, where prices rise.
International trade
International trade involves Australia buying imports from overseas and selling exports to overseas. As the volume of Australian exports grow it contributes to a higher economic growth. This helps to grow employment and jobs, as well as increases the personal incomes and their material living standard.
Living standards
Living standards depend on the volume and range of goods and services available. When the economy’s production grows faster than its population, there is generally more goods and services for people to enjoy which would make each person better off.
What can economic growth do?
Economic growth can increase our material living standards, but because it uses resources, it may cause environmental damage that lowers society’s wellbeing