Economics Flashcards
Covered Interest Rate Parity
Enforced by arbitrage
Uncovered Interest Rate Parity
Expected change in spot rate over time horizon is reflected in the interest rate differential
Forward Rate Parity
Forward exchange rates are an unbiased predictor of future spot exchange rates
Assumes Covered and Uncovered interest rate parity holds
Law of One Price
Identical Goods should trade for the same price across countries when valued with a common currency
Absolute Version of Purchasing Power Parity
Equilibrium exchange rates are entirely determined by the ratio of the national price levels
Relative Version of Purchasing Power Parity
Percentage change in spot rate is determined entirely by the inflation differential of the domestic and foreign countries
ex ante version of Purchasing Power Parity
Inflation expectations are responsible entirely for the change in future spot rates
Real Interest Rate Parity
The proposition that real interest rates will converge to the same level across different markets
International Fisher Effect
The foreign-domestic nominal yield spread is determined entirely by the expected inflation differential between the two countries
The Flow Supply/Demand Channel
The theory that purchases and sales in international goods & services require exchange of domestic and forein currencies to settle transactions ie. Country that sells more than buys has more demand for their currency and their currency appreciates
Long Lag for goods to reprice to different exchange rates
Portfolio Balance Channel
Country that sells more goods than it buys will own too much of the other countrie’s currency; they might want to sell to balance their portolfio, pushing down exchange rates for the foreign currency
Mundell Fleming Model w/ High Capital Mobility
Mundell Fleming Model w/ Low Capital Mobility
Portfolio Balance Approach
Countries that run large budget deficits for an extended period of time could see their currency depreciate in the long run
Production Function
Total Factor Productivity (TFP)
General level of productivity or technology in an economy
Denoted by A in production function; multiplicative to growth
Cobb-Douglas Production Function
Cobb Douglas Production Function in Output per Laborer Terms