Economics Flashcards
Economics is the study of the decisions, outcomes and activities that occur as a result of a scarcity of resources
Needs are those things necessary fo survival
Wants are things that are not necessary for survival but that we desire to make our lives better
Relative scarcity
Relative scarcity is the problem of limited resources being available to satisfy unlimited wants
Capital (economic resource)
Capital is not related to money it is machinery or tools. This is a factor of production
Enterprise (economic resource)
Enterprise is the ability to find a gap in the market and fulfil the need, just like an entrepreneur. This is a factor of production
Land (economic resource)
Land are natural resources and raw materials required in production. This is a factor of production
Labour is human skill required to carry out jobs and are required in production. This is a factor of production
Opportunity cost
Opportunity cost is the value of the lost alternative use to which the economic resources could have been allocated. Basically what you could’ve built instead.
Microeconomics is the study of the whole economy and the variables affecting it, such as unemployment, inflation, monetary and government budgetary policy.
Macroeconomics is behaviour of individuals and businesses within the economy and how they interact with the market.
Simple economy (two-sector flow)
Resources- Resources are given to a business in the form of employees. This is from the household sector (Sector 1) Income- income as a payment for the resources from a business. This is from the business sector (Sector 2)
Expenditure- Expenditure to pay for goods and services using the income gained. From the household sector (Sector 1)
Production- The business using the money earnt from expenditure makes new goods and services. From the business sector (Sector 2)
Economic Growth
Is an increase in the real value of goods and services produced in the economy over time. This is measured in (GDP). This is the government’s objective and they want to be 3.5% each time.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) measures the level of unemployment. The unemployment rate aims to be 4-4.5%
Inflation is an economic issue that has the potential to greatly influence the performance of the Australian economy. This is measured in Consumer Prive Index (CPI)