Economic Transition Key Terms Flashcards
the growing economic interdependence between the leading nations in trade, investment and cooperative commercial relationships, and in which there are relatively few artificial restrictions on the cross-border movement of people, assets, goods or services. It includes integration of social relations, knowledge, culture and politics. It has been aided by the ICT revolution that has reduced the friction of distance and time.
Research and Development
R&D requires highly skilled and well paid technicians who are engaged in the process of creating new products. They will normally be found in core countries, and within these countries in very specific locations such as university science parks
Primary sector
produces raw materials from the land and the
Secondary sector
manufactures primary materials into finished
Consumer goods
goods produced for sale to the public.
Capital goods
goods produced for sale to other industries.
Tertiary sector
provides services to businesses and to people.
Quaternary sector
uses high technology to provide information
and expertise.
Primary-product dependent
is when a country relies on one
or a small number of primary products for most of its export
Newly industrialised countries
are countries that have
undergone rapid industrialisation since the 1960s.
Post-industrialised societies
refer to developed countries
where far fewer people are now employed in manufacturing industries than in the past. Most people work in the tertiary sector, with an increasing number in the quaternary sector.
GDP at Purchasing Power Parity (PPP$)
is the gross domestic
product (GDP) of a country converted into US dollars on the basis
of how the value of the currency compares with that of other
Gross National Income (GNI)
comprises the total value of
goods and services produced within a country (i.e. its gross domestic product), together with its income received from other countries (notably interest and dividends), less similar payments
made to other countries.
Human Development Index
is a measure of development that combines three important aspects of human wellbeing: life expectancy, education and income.
is the parts of a country outside the economic core
region. The level of economic development in the periphery is
signifi cantly below that of the core.
Land reform
is the process of changing the pattern of ownership
of land in a country, usually by breaking up large holdings and distributing smaller parcels of land to a larger portion of the population. This can be done in various ways, including with or without compensation of the previous owners