Economic methodology & The purpose of Economic Activity Flashcards
What is economics
economics is the study of how the world scarce resources are allocated to competing uses of society’s wants
What is a positive economic statement
Objective statement which can be tested against facts to be declared true or false (don’t have to be true)
What is a normative economic statement
a value judgement or a subjective opinion which cannot be declared true or false
What is the difference between a positive economic statement and a normative economic statement?
-A positive statement contains an opinion & can be tested whilst a normative statement contains factual information & cannot be tested
What is a need?
A need is something humans require to survive, such as food shelter & water
What is a want?
A want is something not essential for survival but people might feel that it’ll improve their standard of living
What is economic welfare?
the standard of living or general well-being of people in society
What are the four factors of production?
What is Capital?
man-made physical equipment used to make other goods and services, E.G machinery and computer equipment
What is Land?
All naturally occurring resources such as minerals, the sea, fertile land & the environment
what is Enterprise?
Entrepreneurs are people who take a business risk in combining the other 3 factors of production in order to produce a good/service
What is Labour?
people involved in production, also referred to as human capital