Economic issues Flashcards
List four government objectives
- Low inflation: Lower costs so more people are able tp purchase g/s
- Higher employment rates: More people working leading to less dependency on grants and funds
- Economic growth: Increasing value of GDP
- Balance of payments: Balance of amount of imports and exports
Define and list characteristics of high inflation
Inflation: Rate of increasing price of g/s
- Lower spending leading to poorer quality of life due to lower disposable income
- Less business start-ups and expansions so lower employment rates
- Increase in purchase of imports and foreign goods as its cheaper
List characteristics of economic growth
- Increased employment so increased income tax
- Increased GDP
- Greater living standards
- Increased investments so more corporate tax
*GDP: Gross domestic product
Corporate tax: Tax on business profit
Define level of unemployment and list characteristics of low employment rates
Level of employment: Percentage of people able to work yet unable to find jobs
- Lower g/s produced leading to lower economic growth so lower GDP
- People earning can have better quality of life
- The government spends more on unemployment benefits which could have been spent on improving the economy
- Government receives less income tax
Name and state characteristics 4 stages of a business cycle an economy goes through
- Positive outlook
- Increased expansion and start-ups
- Rising GDP
- Increased employment rates
- Increased spending as people have higher disposable income
- Increased spending leads to higher prices, thus risky, may lead to decline
- Low unemployment rates as people have most positions able to fill in
- Highest amount of GDP
- Business generating profits and expanding
- Lower expansion and start-ups
- Decreasing employment rates
- Less spending leading to poorer quality of life due to job uncertainty
- Lower GDP
- Long-term, serious recession
- High unemployment rates
- Less business due to lower spending
- Low GDP
Name 3 policies a government implements to increase economic activity
- Fiscal policy: Taxes, placed by government, to be spent on public services
- Monetary policy: Includes interest rates, money supply and currency fluctuations
- Supply side policy: Policy to increased competition compared to other economies
Define and state characteristics type of direct and indirect taxes
Direct taxes:
- Income tax: tax on one’s income. Whats left after tax is disposable income
- Corporate tax: tax on a business’s profits
Indirect taxes: (tax on price of g/s, before purchase)
- VAT: tax on value added on g/s
- Import tariffs: tax on imports
- Sales tax: for final consumers, tax on sales
- Excise duty: tax, for manufacturers, only varying goods
Define and state characteristics of high interest rates
Interest rates: costs incurred when borrowing and reward for saving
Characteristics of high interest rates:
- Lower profit generated
- Less borrowing
- Less disposable income leading to lower demands
- Slower economic growth so lower employment and GDP
- Appreciation leads to lower exports