Economic Geography Flashcards
what does primary have to deal with
Hunting and gathering
Commercial farming
Subsistence farming
What does secondary have to deal with
What does tertiary have to deal with
What does quaternary have to deal with
What does Quinary have to deal with
Research and development
What is most often used to determine MDC’s from LDCs
Per capita GDP and income
What does HDI take into consideration
It takes into consideration the qualities and different aspects of life
What two historical events does the dependency theory hold responsible for the disparity between rich and poor countries today
The industrial revolution and settler colonization
What are value-added products
This is where products are worth more than the raw materials they’re made from
Why are LDCs still unable to become more developed despite having been independent for several decades
Those that disagree with the dependency theory see what three major factors playing the major role for a countries development or lack there of
Advantageous and disadvantageous location
Resource wealth or poverty
Cultural and historical factors
What does the IMF (world bank) do
This is where LDCs get cash to fund infrastructure projects
What are settler colonies
Europeans sought to create new europes
What problem does the IMF cause
Borrowing nations are unable to pay even the interest in these loans. They spend as much as 40% of annual revenues in interest payments to the lenders, more than they spend on education and health
What do most LDCs economies depend heavily on for income
He’s independent countries continue to produce the goods for which markets already existed. This is bad because when former colonies try to break their dependency by becoming exporters of manufactured goods the MDC is imposed trade barriers and quotas to block that development