Economic Approach II: Investment and Corporate Risk Flashcards
What is the relationship between insurance and corporate risk?
Insurance is used as a form of risk management
What is the difference between Corporate Risk, Corporate Security and National Security?
- Corporate Risk: Enterprise risk management, auditing, profit .
- Corporate Security: Hazards, crimes, (safety), protection - traditionally seen as a cost to the company.
- National security: Threats to the nation - how does this relate to private companies? Global changes also affect corporations.
What is the relationship between corporate risk management and auditing?
Uncertainty as the basis for risk management. Risk analysis is a criteria for self governance; auditing is an internal solution to external pressure i.e. self-control only because external forces require control (Power 2007). This is where CSR studies meet risk studies.
What is an example from Power (2007) of a corporate scandal that lead to the avid use of enterprise risk management?
Enron 2001, huge fraud scandal - from here an increased focus on internal management of risk - from this also came the introduction of ISO standards.
3 stages of Enterprise risk management?
- Strategy
- Identification of vulnerabilities (probability and severity)
- Identification of the possibility for mitigation
Examples of risks:
- High risk / low probability: industrial espionage, reputation
- Low risk / high probability: stress, illness due to bad cleaning
What is a enterprise risk?
There are several definitions of this type of risk - no universal language. Wakefield (2014) lists several definitions of risk.
6 concepts of enterprise risk?
- Political risk
- Operational risk
- Financial risk
- Technological risk
- Safety
- Security
Some of these can be insured against (transfer of risk).
What is the conventional understanding of political risk in corporate risk management?
- Related to new investments (but not necessarily)
- External to the company
- Related to foreign countries policies (legislation)
- Often difficult to calculate (qualitative analysis - difficult to measure and evaluate vulnerabilities - even if you cannot measure it you assign some type of measurement)
Politics as related to external actors and space (market /
politics distinction). Politics as the political act of setting up risk management procedures - it is political choices, boundaries of acceptability - politics is not just something external, each risk analysis also affect external environment.
How does CSR fit into corporate risk management?
”The stakeholders perspective”
CSR as a benefit to everyone – society and company
Story and Price (2006) CSR as a way to mitigate risk; create a better reputation, trust in the product and in the company.
”The shareholder perspective”
Milton Friedman, New York Times Magazine (1970):
‘[t]he social responsibility of business is to increase its profits’
*CSR – a risk to the company, a cost which we need to monitor (Heugens and Dentchev 2007)
What is the concern with market vs. politics?
Are societal concerns overtaking economic concerns i.e. are politics taking over the running of business? Or is it
the private market that makes the political priorities in their
definitions of CSR i.e. are the companies affecting the choices being made in politics? - what is the responsibility of the market in relation to e.g. national security?
What is ‘safety’ in relation to corporate risk?
The controllable, internal and manageable threats: the normal risk or that which we can live with.
What is ‘security’ in relation to corporate risk?
The non-controllable, a matter of external events = the abnormal. Security is a need.
“Although control of salmonella is important to food safety, it remains a calculated risk, which is natural. Anthrax is not
natural, and this is an important difference. ” (Danish Crown)
What are some of the current trends in corporate security?
- Security managers are moving up the organizational
hierarchy - CSOs with a background in national security
- More issues are regarded relevant for corporate
security, incl terrorism - Intelligence is highly prioritized “intelligence revolution”
-Security industry in general is growing, this is also applicable within corporations
How is national security being decentralised?
-Security politics in the everyday management of threats by
different actors
-Security politics translated into daily practices on risk
-Private actors being responsibilised to act in the name of
national security – resilience as the new mantra
Where can you see the difference between corporate risk and corporate security?
In the practise.