Econometrics Flashcards
What is a density function?
Denoted PDF. The probability of a variable taking on a specific value, x. f(x) = P(X=x)
Conditional density
Assigns a density for the dependent variable, y, for each value of the explanatory variable, x. f(y|x) = f(y,x) / f(x)
Stability of coefficients
Recursive estimation over the sample to see the development in the coefficient. Does it converge to a value?
Time series
The realization of a stochastic process {Yt; t€T}
First order Markov process
The conditional density of Yt given the entire past of yt-1, yt-2,…, depends only on yt-1. f(yt | yt-2, yt-1) = f(yt | yt-1)
What is a distribution function?
Denoted CDF. The probability of a variable taking on a value lower than or equal to a specific value? Goes from 0 to 1. F(x) = P(X<=x)
Law of large numbers
Consistency. Increasing the sample size (no. of observations) will give a more accurate estimate. Theta^ →p Theta
Take many samples, each with an estimated parameter, theta^. The average of the estimates will be equal to the true population parameter, theta, when the no. of samples approaches infinity.
Cov(Yt, Yt-j) =: E [(Yt - E(Yt)) (Yt-j - E(Yt-j))]
Autocorrelation function (acf)
ζj,t =: Cov(Yt, Yt-j) / Var(Yt)
Final equation
When a variable of a dynamic system (VAR) is written in terms of its own lags and exogenous variables, we call that equation the final equation for the variable.
Weakly stationarity
When the autocovariance does not depend on time itself, but only the timedifference, j, between the variables. Then the process is covariance stationary (weakly stationary).
Stationary time series
The variance and autocovariance is time independent, and the autocovariances is symmetric forward and backwards.
Stationary VAR
Global aysmptotically stable. All the eigenvalues from the companion form must lie within the unit circle, and the disturbances must be stationary (constant mean and covariance matrix).
ADL/ARDL-model (Autoregressive distributed lag)
The conditional model of Y given X, from a VAR-model. Together with the marginal model of X from the VAR, it gives a regression representation of the VAR.
For a VAR(1):
Yt = φ0 + φ1Yt−1 + β0Xt + β1Xt−1 + εt
ADL(p,q), where p denotes no. of lags on y and q denotes no. of lags on x.