Econometrics 1 Flashcards
- Example of a spurious relationship
- sunspots is related to business cycles
2. snowfall in Portland and annual growth rate in U.S. investments.
- Linear regression: Y = α0 + α1χ + ε
Describe causation
Causation is assumed to flow from the RHS to the LHS. Variations in χ systematically cause variations in Y.
- Can econometrics show causation?
No. It can only show correlation. A logical and well-motivated mechanism is needed to CAUSALLY link the explanatory variables and the dependent variable. Without a “well motivated story,” a regression will be spurious.
- Define “identification.”
Identification is knowing that something is what you say it is. The estimate of a parameter is an estimate of that parameter and not, in fact, something else.
- Give an example of the identification problem and what can cause it.
Effect of school vouchers on educational outcomes. People who are more likely to do well in school signed up for vouchers & all that signed up received a voucher. The estimator was not identified because voucher effects were conflated with motivational and capability effects. Cause: “comparative advantage selection” or “self-selection bias.”
- What are the five elements that must be done correctly to achieve “good” empirical analysis.
- Specification: Choosing RHS variables and function form in logical and thoughtful manner (having a well-motivated story).
- Identification: Ensuring that empirical effects causally associated with each variable are well-defined (avoiding conflation).
- Data set: Obtaining data that is best structured for analysis (type of variation, sample size…)
- Estimator: Choosing best estimation rule for the model and data structure.
- Testing and validation: Providing info that demonstrates strengths and drawbacks of empirical model and analyais.
- In a regression analysis, the error term ε captures what?
[Kennedy, p. 3]
The error or disturbance term is the stochastic/random part of the model. The error term is justified in three main ways:
- Omission of influence of innumerable chance events
- Measurement error of included explanatory variables
- Human indeterminacy.
- What are the six assumptions of the linear regression model (Gauss-Markov Theorem assumptions)?
- Linear in the parameters and the error term
- Full rank: Explanatory variables are not perfectly correlated
- Exogeneity of explanatory variables: No X is correlated with the error term.
- Homoskedasticity and non-autocorrelation
- Data in X may be any mixture of constants and random variables, BUT must be generated by a mechanism that is unrelated to ε. [Data generation]
- Normal distribution: disturbances are normally distributed.
- On what does precision of the estimates depend?
- The amount of variation in Y and X contained in a sample (dependent and explanatory variables) –> More variation in the raw data- the better.
- Sample size (more is better).
- “Noise” level in process… which is related directly to variance of the error term.
- Define “precision”
Degree to which repeated measurements under unchanged conditions show the same results. Precision has to do w/ how compressed (small) the sample distribution is for OLS estimates. Precision declines as multicollinearity increases (error variance will increase). Precision increases w/sample size. Precision will decrease as the overall fit of the model improves (better fit results in less error therefore error variance will be reduced).
- What is a consistent estimator?
An estimator whose distribution converges on the true β as sample size increases. (Relates to an asymptotic estimator.) Consistency is large-sample (asymptotic distribution) counterpart to unbiasedness in finite, small-sample distributions.
- What is an efficient estimator?
An estimator that has the lowest variance of all other estimators in its class. Typically, where one unbiased estimator can be found- many other unbiased estimators are also possible. It is therefore desirable to chose the unbiased estimator that has the least amount of variance- aka “BEST unbiased” estimator. A researcher would be more confident that a single draw out of a distribution w/ less variance was closer to the true β than a single draw out of distribution w/large variance. [Kennedy, p. 16]
- Why are estimators restricted to be a linear function of the observations on the dependent variable?
Reduce task of finding the efficient (smallest variance) estimator to mathematically manageable proportions. [Kenndy, p. 17]
- Define BLUE (as an estimator that is BLUE).
B = "best" = efficient--> least amount of variance amongst all other estimators in the same class. Requires GM assumptions 1-4 hold for OLS LUE. L = Linear U = unbiased: β-hat = β E = estimator
- Define unbiased.
The mean of the sampling distribution of the estimator is equal to the true parameter value.
“On average” an estimator will correctly estimate the parameter in question; it will not systematically under- or over-estimate the parameter (Greene, p. 54).
Unbiasedness is a property of finite (small-sample) least squares.
- What are “residuals”?
ε = y - y(hat). Observed value - predicted value.
- Define OLS
Ordinary least squares: The estimator generating the set of values of the parameters that minimizes the sum of squared residuals.
- Why is OLS popular?
NOT necessarily because it makes residuals “small” by minimizing the sum of squared errors, but because (1) it scores well on other criteria such as R^2, unbiasedness, efficiency, mean square error and (2) computational ease.
- Define and describe R^2.
R^2 is the coefficient of determination. It represents the amount of variation in the DV “explained” by variation in the independent variables.
R^2 = SSR /SST -or- R^2 = 1- (SSE/SST)
CAVEAT: Because OLS minimizes sum of squared residuals, it also automatically maximizes the R^2 value.
- Define “SST”
Total sum of squares: Σ(y - ybar)^2
y = observed value
ybar = mean of observed values
- Define “SSR”
Sum of squares due to regression (explained variation).
SSR = Σ(yhat - ybar)^2
yhat = estimated values
ybar = mean of estimated values
- Define “SSE”
Sum of squared errors/residuals (unexplained variation): Σ(y - yhat)^2.
y = observed values
yhat = estimated values
- What are three common data problems?
(1) Outliers. Can drop outliers to check difference in results, i.e. how much impact outliers had on estimation. If outliers can be explained, can augment model to take into account causes of outliers.
(2) Missing data. Don’t make up data. Make sure no self-selection resulting in bias, e.g. unemployment stats that don’t account for people who’ve given up looking for employment.
(3) Multicollinearity. Examine W.M.S. Run pre-estimate. Do hypothesis testing and drop variables with low impact on estimation. (**Start w/ more variables and drop variables w/low impact. Don’t start w/fewer and add….). If can’t break multicollinearity- GIVE UP or if have resources do own experiment.
- Is an OLS estimator a random variable?
Yes- because estimator (βhat) will vary each time the experiment is run because of the error term ε.
- Under what data generating conditions, does the Gauss-Markov theorem/assumptions apply and then do asymptotic properties apply along with the Grenander conditions?
GM properties used with finite, small-sample –> Non-stochastic X or experimental types of data.
Asymptotic properties used w/ stochastic X or non-experimental data.
- Interpret slope parameter on a standard linear model:
weight (kg) = -114.3 + 106.5*Height (meters)
For every 1 meter increase in height, weight will increase by an average of 106.5 kg.
- Interpret a log-log or log-linear regression model.
log(STARTS) = C(1) + [-0.2869 * log(MR)]
What is this type of model called?
Estimates correspond to point elasticities.
A 1% change in MR will cause housing starts to decrease by 0.2869%.
- Interpret slope parameter on a semi-log linear regression.
1) ln(weight) = 2.14 + 0.00055 * height
2) Weight = 3.94 + 1.16 * ln(height)
1) Log-Lin Model: A one-unit (e.g. meter) increase in height results in a 0.055% increase in weight. (multiply parameter times 100)
2) Lin-Log Model: A 1% increase in height results in 0.0116 increase in weight. (divide parameter by 100).
- Interpret the t-statistic in an OLS regression.
T-stat calculated by assuming the null hypothesis is true.
t = (b - β)/SE-hat, where b = estimated value, β is true value (assumed to be zero under the null), SE-hat is the estimated standard error of b.
The t-stat is used to determine the probability that the null is true.
If b = 0.44; SE-hat = 0.29; t-stat = 1.5; and p = 0.13 ... THEN b (0.44) is t-stat (1.5) standard error units from β. "Think of b as a distance unit from β." One tail test: divide p value in half (eviews): 0.13 /2 = 0.065. If null is true, have a 6.5% chance of getting a t-ratio that is 1.5 or larger. 6.5% of all samples will have a true null (β = 0), so if reject null, have a 6.5% chance that you INCORRECTLY rejected null.
t-stat can only test one restriction at a time.
- Hypothesis testing. Describe p[Type I error], confidence level, power, and P[Type II error].
p[Type I error] = α –> reject null, but null is true.
–> state of the world: Incorrectly reject the null when it is true.
Confidence Level = 1 - α
–> state of the world: correctly accept the null when it is true.
p[Type II error] = β –> fail to reject null, but null is false.
–> state of the world: Incorrectly reject alternative hypothesis.
Power of the test = 1 - β
–> state of the world: correctly accept the alternative when it’s true.
- What may cause large standard errors?
- Multicollinearity and low variation in raw data. Large standard errors can result in insignificant parameter estimates.
- What is the F-statistic and when is it used?
F-Stat = [(SSE(r) - SSE(u)) / J] / [(SSE(u)) / (T - K) ~ F(J(T-K))
–> Prob[F(J, (T-K)) > F-Critical] = p-value.
If F(critical) < the F-Stat, then REJECT the null.
**F-Stat is always a right-tailed test.
SSE(r) = sum of squared errors from restricted model SSE(u) = sum of squared errors from unrestricted model J = # of restrictions (# of = signs in the null hypothesis) T = sample size K = # of parameters including the slope.
F-stat = t-stat^2.
F-stat is used with finite-sample distributions. It can test more than one restriction at a time (overall model fit).
- What is the Wald statistic and when is it used?
Wald-Stat = [SSE(R) - SSE(U)] / [SSE(U) / (T-K)] ~ Χ^2(J)
χ^2 = F-stat * J, where J is the number of restrictions.
Applies to distributions with large-sample properties.
Wald-stat is also a measure of overall model fit; it can test more than one restriction at a time. Wald is a little more relaxed than F-Stat (or T-Stat).
- What is the Gauss-Markov assumption 1 and what are implications of violation?
GM-1: Linearity in the parameters and error.
Violations: (1) Inclusion of irrelevant variables (the mean square error can increase) or omission of relevant variables (biased estimators).
(2) Non-linear specification (Estimates are biased and without meaning).
(3) Changing parameter values. e.g. parameter values may change over time in time series or panel data; parameter values may differ by geographic or political region; included variables may be influenced by variables outside of the model.
- What is the Gauss-Markov assumption 2 and what are the implications of violation?
GM-2: Full rank: Explanatory variables are not perfectly correlated (& have more observations than independent variables), i.e. no exact linear relationship between explanatory variables.
Violation: Exact multicollinearity (two or more Xs perfectly correlated). The OLS process breaks down mathematically (analogous to a divide by zero error) –> may get message: “near singular matrix” (a singular matrix cannot be inverted and OLS requires inversion).
An approximate linear relationship between explanatory variables results in multicollinearity (but not perfect multicollinearity) which can lead to estimation problems. Multicollinearity arises out of the particular data being used in the sample rather than theoretical or actual linear relationship among any of the regressors. Can arise due to: variables share a common time trend, EV may be the lagged value of another EV that follows a trend, some EVs may vary together ‘cuz data not collected from a wide enough base, or there could be some type of approximate relationship among regressors.
Implications: OLS estimator in presence of multicollinearity is still BLUE. R^2 unaffected. Major problem is that the variance of OLS estimates of the collinear variables is very large, thus precision is very low –> not enough independent variation in a variable to calculate w/confidence the effect it has on the DV.
- What is the Gauss-Markov assumption 3 and what are implications of violation?
GM-3: Exogeneity of explanatory variables –> No X is correlated with the error term. Expected value of the error term is zero or the covariance between the error term and each explanatory variables is zero.
Endogeneity caused by comparative advantage selection, omitted explanatory variables (IF correlated w/included variable), reverse causation, simultaneity (eg. supply/demand), wrong functional form.
Violations will cause the OLS estimate of the intercept to be biased, parameters are not identified (cannot be estimated w/out conflation).
Asymptotic sample- OLS estimator is inconsistent.
- What is the Gauss-Markov assumption 4 and what are implications of violation?
GM-4: Homoskedasticity and non-autocorrelation.
Disturbance terms all have the same variance (a constant) and are not correlated with one another. “Spherical disturbances”
Violations: Heteroskedasticity –> Disturbances do not have the same variance. Autocorrelated errors –> Disturbances are correlated w/one another.
Consequences of heteroskedasticity: Wrong inferences due to biased standard errors (interval estimation and hypothesis testing cannot be trusted), loss of efficiency (estimates are no longer BLUE, OLS doesn’t provide estimate w/the smallest variance).
Consequences of autocorrelation: OLS estimators are still unbiased and linear, but they no longer have the minimum variance property; usual formulas to estimate variances are biased (can have - or + autocorrelation); confidence intervals and hypothesis tests based on the t and F distributions are unreliable; R^2 is affected; computed variances and standard errors of forecasts may be inaccurate.
- What are common causes of heteroskedasticity?
Heteroskedasticity can be caused by violation of other GM assumptions, but assuming other GM assumptions are met the following can be causes of heteroskedasticity:
Causes of heteroskedasticity: (1) high value of explanatory variable is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for a change in the dependent variable, e.g. family income and vacation expenditures; (2) values of EV become more extreme in either direction; measurement errors (some respondents providing more accurate responses than others); subpopulation differences or other interaction effects (e.g. effect of income on expenditures for different races; differences in expenditures may be smaller for low income, but get larger as income increases); model mis-specification.
- What are common causes of autocorrelation?
(1) Inertia is data series (e.g. long-term inertia in people being unemployed); model specification errors; cobweb phenomenon (e.g. implementation of supply decisions take time to implement so agricultural commodities react to price w/ a lag of one time period; data manipulation (interpolation or extrapolation of data); nonstationarity (e.g. mean, variance, covariance change over time).
- What is the Gauss-Markov assumption 5 and what are implications of violation?
GM-5: Stochastic or nonstochastic data: Data may be any combination of constants or random variables.
Implications for violation: ?
- What is the Gauss-Markov assumption 6 and what are implications of violation?
GM-6: Normal distribution –> Disturbances are normally distributed (zero mean and constant variance).
Normality assumption is reasonable in most settings because of Central Limit Theorem. Useful implication of GM-6 is that it implies observations on ε(i) are statistically independent as well as uncorrelated. Normality is useful in constructing confidence intervals and test stats.
- What is the choice of the best estimator of β based on?
Statistical properties of the candidates (different estimators) such as unbiasedness, consistency, efficiency, and their sampling distributions. (Greene, p. 51).
- Describe finite-sample properties.
- Finite-sample properties of the least squares estimator are independent of the sample size.
- Unbiasedness is a finite-sample property.
- Linear model is one of relatively few settings in which definite statements can be made about the exact finite-sample properties.
- -> E[b] = β –> Estimator is unbiased.
- -> E[s^2] = σ^2 –> Disturbance variance estimator is unbiased.
- -> Var[b|X] = σ^2(X’X)^-1 and Var[b] σ^2E[(X’X)^-1]
- -> Gauss-Markov Theorem: The MVLUE of w’β is w’b for any vector of constants, w.
- Describe large-sample (asymptotic properties) of least squares estimator.
Consistency –> Improves upon the concept of unbiasedness in two ways: (1) Except for least squares linear regression model (MVUE), it is rare for an estimator to be unbiased; (2) Property of unbiasedness does not imply that more info is better then less in terms of estimation of parameters.
Grenander Conditions for Well-Behaved Data apply to large-sample properties.
- When do the Grenander Conditions for well-behaved data apply and what are they?
Apply for large-sample (asymptotic) properties of least squares estimator. Assumptions are very weak and likely to be satisfied by any data set encountered in practice.
G1: Sums of squares will continue to grow as the sample size increases. No variable will degenerate to a sequence of zeros.
G2: No single observation will ever dominate x’x, and as n –> infinity, individual observations will become less important.
G3: Full rank condition will always be met.
- In OLS regression what how do the standard error and variance relate?
The standard error is the square root of the variance: sqrt(σ^2).
The estimated variance, s^2, is the square of the standard error.
The standard error is the square root of the main diagonal elements of the OLS variance-covariance matrix.
- List six benefits of large samples
- More likely to get a consistent estimator (asymptotic properties)
- Increased precision /reduced variance
- Increased power
- Can break or reduce multicollinearity
- Increase in normality: Improve hypothesis testing.
- Reduce influence of outliers: law of large numbers.
- What is e’e?
Sum of squared residuals.
- With hypothesis testing (OLS) the restricted model is the model under the null or alternative hypothesis?
Restricted model is the model under the null hypothesis.
- What tests can be used to test model specification?
- Davidson-MacKinnon non-nested test (Homework # 6)
2. Ramsey Reset Test
- Describe Davidson-MacKinnon non-nested test for functional form.
- Start w/ two alternative models (e.g. model 1 has ln(x) and model 2 is linear (x)).
- Assume one model is true (here Model 2- linear x).
- Estimate Model 1 [ln(x)] and save predicted values –> y-hat.
- Estimate Model 2 (linear x) including y-hat (predicted y from Model 1) as an additional explanatory variable in the original model.
- Hypothesis pair: Null: parameter on y-hat = 0.
Alternative: parameter on y-hat is not equal to zero. - If null hypothesis is accepted, then the linear model is favored, i.e. the logarithmic specification didn’t add any explanatory power to model.
- Run the test again, this time assuming Model 1 (ln x) is correct.
- When is the Ramsey RESET test used?
Mis-specification of functional form (MIS-specification: testing the null against an alternative that does not indicate what the correct specification is). Ramsey RESET is a test of linear specification against a non-linear specification. If include a quadratic term (to capture diminishing returns) in the restricted model, can test for higher powers using RESET test.
Linear model is the restricted model and non-linear model is the unrestricted model.
- Run regression and save fitted values of dependent variable.
- Add y-hat (fitted values from step 1 above) to the model (right-hand-side) and test its coefficient. If the T-stat of fitted variable (y-hat) from the unrestricted model is significant, then the model may be nonlinear.
- Alternatively the F-Stat or χ^2 can be used to test the restricted vs. unrestricted models:
Null: Specification is linear.
Alternative: Specification is NOT linear.
- What is the dummy variable trap and how is it avoided?
Dummy variable trap is when create perfect multi-collinearity –> sum of all dummy variables is equal to 1 which is perfectly correlated w/ constant term.
Avoid the DV trap by omitting one of the dummy variable categories which becomes the reference group. Contrast is always w.r.t. the reference group. Each group needs enough observations to create precise contrasts.
- How is the parameter on the dummy variable in OLS interpreted?
e. g. dummy variable: 0 / 1, β-hat = -0.35.
Use equation: 100%[exp(β-hat) - 1] = 100%[exp(-0.35) - 1]
= 0.70 - 1 = -0.30.
Interpret as: The effect of switching from zero to unity is -0.30.
- Describe threshold effects using the following model
income = β(1) + β(2)age + γ(B)Bachelor + γ(M)Master + γ(P)Phd + ε
β1 and β2 is the reference group -> high school diploma only.
β(1) + beta(2)age + γ(P)Phd –> Contrast: PhD over HS
β(1) + β(2)age + γ(B)Bachelor + γ(M)Master + γ(P)Phd –> Contrast: Ph.D over HS + B + M).
- What test can be used to test if model w/dummy variables can be pooled?
Wald test for pooling (homework #7). Test stat is F-Stat or χ^2.
Null: Parameter estimates on terms including dummy variables = 0.
Null: Data can be pooled.
Alternative: One or more parameter estimates …… are not equal to 0.
Alternative: Data cannot be pooled.
If null is accepted, data can be pooled.
(p-value < α –> reject null)
- What test can be used to confirm structural breaks?
ex post Chow Forecast Test (Homework #7)
Restricted model: Pools periods. Run the Chow Forecast Test indicating breakpoint between periods.
Null: Model is stable across periods.
Alternative: Model is not stable across periods.
If accept the null, can pool the periods.
- Name four different types of non-linearities (in the variables).
- piecewise linear regression (use of structural breaks)
- log linear models
- models w/polynomials
- models w/ interaction effects
- What test can be used for suspected endogeneity?
Hausman Test.
Null: Regressor(s) suspected of endogeneity are NOT endogenous.
Alternative: Regressor(s) suspected of endogeneity ARE endogenous.
If fail to reject null (p > α), OLS is the preferred estimation method –> higher precision.
If reject null (endogeneity exists), can use (1) Instrumental Variables (IV) if have exactly identified case (this is the strict form of IV estimator) -or- (2) two-stage least squares (2SLS) if have either exactly identified case or over-identified case.
Exactly identified case: # of outside IVs = # of endog. variables.
Over identified: # of outside IVs > # of endog. variables.
- When choosing IVs when 1+ variables are endogenous. What test is used for instrument relevance?
Regress the variable suspected of endogenity on the inside (exogenous variables) and outside [IV(s) for endogenous variable(s)] instruments.
Null: Slope parameters are = zero (Instruments are WEAK/not relevant)
Alternative: Not all slope parameters = 0. (Instruments are STRONG/relevant).
Fail to accept the null IF: F-Stat > 10.
**Weak instruments cause problems for inference.
- Describe two-stage least squares (2SLS).
- Stage 1: Regress endogenous variable on inside and outside instruments using OLS.
- Stage 2: Run original model (w/endogenous variable) as OLS BUT replace the endogenous variable with the predicted values of the dependent variable run Stage 1, i.e. replace x with x-hat derived in Stage 1.
- Test for instrument relevance.
- Test for instrument exogeneity.
- If IVs are relevant and exogenous, test the Stage 2 model for regressor endogeneity using the Hausman Test.
- How is instrument exogeneity tested in 2SLS?
- Save the residuals from Stage 2 OLS fit in 2SLS.
- Regress the residuals on the inside and outside instruments.
Null: Slope parameters on outside instruments are 0. (Instruments are exogenous)
Alternative: Not all are 0. (Instruments are no exogenos).
Test Stat: J = mF ~ χ^2(m).
F-stat is from test of null, m = # of outside IVs minus # of endogenous regressors. (Can’t do test if m = 0).
- What test is used for heteroskedasticity?
- White Heteroskedasticity Test.
Null: No heteroskedasticity.
Alternative: Heteroskedasticity of unknown, general form
Test Stat: Obs*R-Squared (χ^2 distribution). - Harvey Test: Special case of what White covers
- What changes can be made if have heteroskedasticity?
- Robust estimation (White heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors and covariances) –> new way.
- What tests can be used to test for autocorrelation?
- Durbin-Watson Statistic (for OLS but not FGLS) –> good for only 1st order correlation.
If ~2 (ρ = 0): Probably no autocorrelation.
If closer to 0 (ρ = +1): Increasing amounts of positive first-order autocorrelation.
If closer to 4 (ρ = -1): Increasing amounts of negative first-order autocorrelation. - Lagrange Multiplier (LM) Test –> Specify number of lags –> first-order (1), second-order (2). Lags are the # of restrictions.
Null: No autocorrelation
Alternative: Autocorrelation
Test Stat: χ^2.
If reject null, estimate w/ FGLS assuming first/second/…. autocorrel.
Run LM on above FGLS to test if additional autocorrelation (lags: 2).
Alternative estimation process for autocorrelation is Newey-West.
- What are OLS-White, GLS, FGLS and when are they used?
OLS-White for Heteroskedasticity.
GLS: Generalized least squares.
FGLS: Feasible Generalized least squares.
For OLS, Ω is the Identity matrix (σ^2 is the same for all disturbances); however, when have heteroskedasticity or autocorrelation this isn’t true. OLS-White, GLS, and FGLS don’t assume that Ω is equal to identity matrix.
OLS-White: OLS modified in how variance-covariance matrix of parameter estimates is calculated. Results in robust estimators.
GLS: Assumes know value of Ω matrix.
FGLS: Ω contains unknown parameters that must be estimated. FGLS is large-sample approach.
If switch to GLS from OLS gain efficiency: GLS, when Ω is not identity matrix, is BLUE while OLS is no longer BLUE.
- Name two systems equations. Why are they used? What is a typical problem w/system estimators?
- Seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR)
- 3SLS (used to estimate “simultaneous equations model”)
Used when endogeneity and/or autocorrelation (?)
Problem: Wrong specification will have spillover effects.