Econ B: L8 Flashcards
See (extending instrumental variables to MRM)
top of notes lecture 8
Top of page 8 equation; what is it called and what do we expect it to measure?
It is called a structural equation to emphasize our interest in beta(j), meaning that we expect it to measure a causal relationship
See example in notes at top; what would q be (suspected to be correlated with u), and what happens if we ignore this and estimate the equation?
q=educ since might be correlated with u, since ability is in u
if estimated by OLS, all estimator will be biased and inconsistent!
What does the variable z need to satisfy to be an appropriate instrumental variable? (2)
1) not correlated with u (instrument exogeneity)
2) BUT correlated with q (instrument relevance)
Variance of q is split into ‘good’ and ‘bad’. What is the equation for this?
variance of q=q-specific info+co-movement with x+co-movement with u
What do we need z to be correlated with?
q specific info
How do you test for instrument relevance in z?
Given: q=π0+π1x+π2z+v
Estimate this equation by OLS
T-test it using null: H0:π2=0
If the null is rejected (π2 not equal to 0), we know that q and z are still correlated (after partialling out x)
What can we not test for?
Cannot test if x and z are uncorrelated with u; this must be taken on faith
What is a reduced form equation?
An equation where an endogenous variable is written in terms of exogenous variables (eg: q=π0+π1x+π2z+v)
How would you add more exogenous variables to the model? (both equations and test)
Very easily: y=β0+β1q+β2x1+β3x2+u Tf: q=π0+π1x+π2x2+π3z+v Test if: H0: π=0 Note: not same as adding more ENDOGENOUS variables!
2SLS: Say we have 2 instrumental variables for q: z1 and z2. Why don’t we use the best of the 2 instruments (ie. higher R^2)?
Since we want to capture ‘q-specific’ information, but since neither z1 or z2 is perfectly correlated with it, dropping either would lead to a loss of information!
2SLS: Solution to problem?
Since each of x, z1 and z2 is uncorrelated with u, any LINEAR COMBINATION of them (all exogenous) is also uncorrelated with u tf to find the best instrumental variable, choose the linear combination that’s most closely correlated with q!
2SLS: How do you find the linear combination for q with z1 and z1 both being instrumental variables? How do we then test if this best linear instrumental variable is valid?
See equation in notes (q(hat) one)
For IV estimator to be valid need at least: π2 or π3 not equal to 0
H0: π2=π3=0 H1: π2/=0 OR π3/=0 USING AN F-TEST
with multiple instruments the IV estimator then becomes the 2SLS estimator!
2SLS: note regarding OLS estimators?
Using algebra of OLS it can be shown that when we use q(hat) as the instrumental variable for q, the IV estimates of β(hat)0, β(hat)1 and β(hat)2 are identical to the OLS estimators from the regression of y on q(hat) and x
2SLS: once we have rejected H0 (ie. at least one of z1 and z2 are significant), what are the final 2 stages?
1) Run regression 2 in notes to obtain fitted values for q(hat)
2) Run regression of y on q(hat) and x (q(hat) in place of q)
- >differences between 2SLS and OLS estimates
Bias table at end of L8 notes!