Econ 282: Chapter 5 Inflation Flashcards
The quantity theory of money
-A simple theory linking the inflation rate to the growth rate of the money supply
-Begins with the concept of velocity
Basic concept: the rate at which money circulates
Definition: the number of times the average dollar bill changes hands in a given period of time
Velocity equation
where V is velocity
T is value of all transactions
M is money supply
-Use nominal GDP as a proxy for total transactions
P is price of output (GDP deflator)
Y is quantity of output (real GDP)
PxY is value of output (Nominal GDP)
The quantity equation
MxV = PxY
-follows from the preceding definition of velocity
-it is an identity: it holds by definition of the variables
Money demand and Quantity Equation
M/P = real money balances, the purchasing power of the money supply
A simple money demand function (M/P)d = kY
k = how much people wish to hold for each dollar of income
k is exogenous
-Connection between money demand and quantity equation: k=1/V
How price level is determined
MxVbar = PxY
-With V constant, the money supply determines nominal GDP = (PxY)
-Real GDP is determined by the economy’s supplies of K and L and the production function
-The price level is P = (nominal GDP)/(real GDP)
denotes the inflation rate
-(Change in pi)/(pi)
To solve for pi: (change in M)/(M) - (change in Y)/(Y)
The quantity theory of money
predicts a one-for-one relationship between changes in the money growth rate and changes in the inflation rate
-Countries with higher money growth rates should have higher inflation rates
-The long run trend in a country inflation rate should be similar to the long run trend in the country money growth rate
Inflation and interest rates
-nominal interest rate, I, not adjusted for inflation
-Real interest rate, r adjusted for inflation
The Fisher Effect
Equation: I=r+pi
S=I determines r
-an increase in pi causes an equal increase in I
-this one for one relationship is called the fisher effect
Expected inflation rate
Ex ante real interest rate
I-Epi=the real interest rate people expect at the time they buy a bond or take out a loan
Ex post real interest rate
I-pi=the real interest rate actually realized
Money demand and the nominal interest rate
-in the quantity theory of money, the demand for real money balances depends only on real income
-another determinant of money demand: the nominal interest rate i
-THE OPPORTUNITY cost of holding money
-money demand depends negatively on I.
The money demand function
-depends negatively on I, positively on Y
Higher Y increases spending on GandS so increases need for money
I is the opportunity cost of holding money