Econ 102 Exam 1 Flashcards
Latin Terms
seize the day
carpe diem
let the buyer beware
method of operating
modus operandi
knowledge itself is power
scientia ipsa potentia
scraped tablet
tabula rasa
all other things being equal
ceteris paribus
vicious circle
circulus vitiosus
the teacher has said it
magister dixit
each year
per annum
leading back to the absurd
reductio ad absurdum
be suspicious of everything
de omnibus dubitandum
that is
id est
bad times are upon us
mala tempora currunt
with equal step
pari passu
from the absurd
ab absurdo
economy is a great revenue
magnum vectigal est parsimonia
it is not he who has little, but he who wants more, who is the pauper
non qui parum habet, set qui plus cupit, pauper est
if you know how to use money, money is your slave; if you don’t, money is your master
pecunia, si uti scis, ancilla est; si nesic, domina
nothing in excess
ne quid nimis
repetition is the mother of learning
repetitio est mater studiorum
the situation in which
status quo
from before
ex ante
balance; scales
nothing in intellect unless first in sense
nihil in intellectu nisi prius in sensu
pro tempore
for the time being
leaping point
punctum saliens
from one, learn all
ab uno disce omnes
to infinity
ad infinitum
to seasickness
ad nauseum
by the fact itself
ipso facto
what alone is not useful helps when accumulated
quae non prosunt singula multa iuvant
fortune favors the bold
fortes fortuna adiuvat
what is gone is gone
quod periit, periit
follow the money
sequere pecuniam
no one learns except by friendship
nemo nis per amicitiam congnoscitur