Ecology key thinker quotes Flashcards
What are the two main ideas of Aldo Leopold?
- The Land Ethic(1949); Extends to right to life to the environment as a while. Ethical basis for a new form of society.
- Conservation fails; Traditional economic models fail to protect beauty and value of the wilderness. Radical change is needed to radically alter the state and society.
What are the two main ideas of Rachel Carson?
- Balance of Nature; Profit and production have created a poisoned earth. Enlightened anthropocentrism to ensure balance of nature to protect humanity.
- Holism; human arrogance is reflected in the mechanistic world order. Need to accept ecology and create a holistic sustainable society.
What are the two main ideas of Schumacher?
- Buddhist economics; Adoption of a new economic order around idea of ‘right livelihood’, maximum life quality with minimal consumption.
- Traditional economics favours economic growth based on materialism. New society should reflect an economic order prioritising quality over quantity.
What are the two main ideas of Murray Bookchin?
- Domination; The existing social structure is built on the domination of humans by humans. Leads people to be self-interested, competitive and arrogant to human’s relationship to nature.
- Ecotopia; New society of decentrilisation, with self governing ‘bio-regions’. Allowing human nature to develop to be more in tune and harmonious with nature.
What are the two main ideas of Carolyn Merchant?
- Mechanistic worldview of science; Current system treats nature as dead, resources are exploited and dominated.
- Patriarchy; Domination of women and nature must be overthrown and replaced with sustainable partnership between all humanity and nature.
What did Rachel Green advocate for capitalism?
-Advocates for ‘Green Capitalism’ whereby capitalism is continued but restrictions are placed to try and slow down decimation to the natural world.
Schumacher’s view on the economy.
- Complete change to the current economic system based on ‘right livelihood’.
- Creating well-being from creative works and minimum consumption.
- Focus on a Buddhist style of economy.
What are the different approaches to reforming society for social ecologists?
- ecosocialists; overthrowing capitalism.
- Eco-feminists; overthrowing the patriarchy.
- Ecoanarchists; overthrow of the state and hierarchy.
What is the Leopold quote on the traditional view of nature as a resource?
-‘We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us’
What is the Shumacher quote on the economy?
‘There is more to life than GDP’
What is the Merchant quote on the relationship that should be formed with nature?
-Nature should no longer be seen as a ‘Virgin, Mother or witch’ but regarded as an ‘active partner’
What is the ecoanarchic view on society?
-Argue that to achieve an ‘Ecotopia’ there should be the abolishment of private property, equal redistribution of wealth and less time spent working.
What is the Leopold quote on inclusion of the non-human world?
-‘Collectively; the land’
Who was the environment damaged by in Carson’s book ‘Silent Spring’?
-“Gods of profit and production’
What did Carson believe the use of DDT would lead to?
-It would mean the ‘birds had disappeared and spring was silent’