eco of environment - mid term 2 Flashcards
engineering approach
= summing up expected expenditures by firms on pollution-control mechanisms and personnel, and government expenses on regulatory activities
opportunity cost
Economists focus on the ‘opportunity cost’, which refers to the value of resources if used in their next best alternative
Pro-Productivity Effects of Regulation
- Improving the short-run efficiency of resource use, saving money for firms
- Encouraging firms to invest more, or invest “smarter” for the long run
→ Porter Hypothesis: regulation, enhances longrun competitiveness
→ Regulation may play a technology-forcing role. - Reducing health-care costs or improving ecosystem services, which frees up capital for long-run investment
Anti-Productivity Effects of Regulation
- Direct Costs to Regulated Firms: Regulations can impose direct costs on companies, possibly reducing their investments in other areas.
- Higher Prices for Key Inputs: Regulations can cause an increase in the prices of essential resources like energy and waste disposal, which can further discourage investment in sectors not directly impacted by the regulation.
- Frustration of Entrepreneurial Activity: The “regulatory burden” and associated “red tape” of regulations might stifle business initiatives and investments.
employment impacts of environmental protection
- no economy-wide trade-off: no trade off between environmental protection and job growth
- green job growth
- small layoffs
- few pollution havens: industries w heavy pollution are not fleeing to developing countries with lax regulations in large numbers
general equilibrium (GE) effects
effects of regulation that are felt throughout the economy
partial equilibrium effects
only felt in the specific regulated sector
double-dividend effect
a pollution tax might yield two main beneficial effects on the economy
1. Internalizing the externality: ensuring that firms and consumes account for the external costs of the consumption/production
2. Beneficial use of tax revenus: if the carbon tax revenues are used to reduce payroll taxes, it could spur firms to hire more
the safety standard
fairness concerns rather than efficiency
people have the fundamental right to protection from significant, unsolicited harm to their environment
gov role in safety standard
reduce pollution to levels causing “minimal harm”
US Environmental protection agency (EPA) standards
risk below 1 in 1 million for large population “safe”
risks greater than 1 in 10 000 are “unsafe”
= in between equals informal benefic-cost analysis
criticism of the safety standard
- inefficient from an economics perspective –> allocation of scarce resources
- not cost-effective
- Regressive –> greater sacrifice of other goods and services –> income equity
sustainability standard
focus on the long-term impacts of pollution-control standards
neoclassical sustainability
- Views natural capital as substitutable.
- Believes in nature’s resilience.
- Advocates globalization and market regulation for sustainability.
ecological sustainability
- Stresses the irreplaceability of natural capital.
- Views global ecosystems as fragile.
- Calls for government intervention to protect dwindling natural capital.