How much do global financial integrity research group estimate is lost through transfer pricing?
How is transfer pricing regulated? and eval
Arms length principle-direct control that controls the min price daughter companies can charge for their goods (as if they were selling to a 3rd party)
eval:TNCs are footloose, so gov are scared to regulate as they would move to country where transfer pricing is possible. (lose inv,tax,jobs)
UK GROWTH 2021 to 2022
Forecasted growth 2022 and 2023
3.8% (2022) 1.8% (2023)
GDP per capita 2022
Total GDP 2022
Services as a proportion of GDP
Manufacturing as a % of GDP
Unemployment rate 2022
Wage Growth 2022
5.4%-low unemployment
Job vacancies and consumer confidence 2022
Job vacancies-record high
Confidence-high e.g covid restrictions removed but falling sharply following cost of living crisis
3.7% Quite large
UK productivity and investment in comparison to G7
Poor-20% less than other G7 countries
Budget deficit 2021-2022
5.6% of GDP 2021-2022, a fall from last year
National debt as % of GDP
96% of GDP
Taxes changes 2022
National insurance+1.25%
Corp tax to rise from 19% to 25% in 2023
Gino coefficient
0.363-inequality increased
Savings ratio
6.5%-a fall, could be for low interest rates.
Use in monetary policy where low interest increase MPC
QE 2021
£450bn pumped into economy, half of QE total
Hysteresis effect
Long periods of unemployment are likely to harm future supply e.g demotivated, lose skills, change attitudes, depression etc