Eclampsia Flashcards
Generalised tonic clonic seizures after 20 weeks gestation or grand Mal seizures with or without hypertension
Antepartum period 38-52%, intrapartum 18-35%, postnatal 11-44%
Risk factor
- Maternal age over 40
- Renal diseases
- Previous pre-eclampsia
- BMI over 30
- BP >140 systolic and >90 diastolic
- Persistant headaches
- Visual disturbances
- Seizures
Senior midwife - aware and to organise
Senior OBS - expert, create a plan and manage
Anaesthetist - In case we need to go theatre
Scribe - To document
Runner - To get equipment
Paed - If antepartum and need for urgent delivery, possibility of compromised baby
Immediate role of midwife
- Emergency buzzer
- Put women in left lateral and do not leave her
- High flow O2
- Control seizure with MgSO4
Airway - Left lateral position as relieves aortocaval compression
Breathing - High flow 15l via face mask
Circulation - IV access 2x large bore cannula and bloods
Disability - Protect from injury, do not restrain
Exposure - Maintain dignity, prevent heat loss and injury
Bloods and fluid balance
FBC - To ensure good iron count
G&S - In case woman requires blood transfusion
LFT - Liver function
U&E - Kidney function no build of magnesium
Indwelling catheter - Run fluid 80ml/hr to prevent pulmonary oedema, output should be 0.5ml/kg/hr
MgSO4 Loading dose
4g Magnesium sulphate over 5mins
Draw 8ml of 50% MgSO4 solution followed by 12ml of 0.9% normal saline into 20ml syringe, give manually over 5 mins.
Magpie trial in 2002 concluded that MgSO4 can be used to prevent eclampsia or treat it
MgSO4 Maintenance dose
1g/hr Magnesium sulphate for 24 hours
Draw 20ml of 50% MgSO4 (10g) with 30ml 0.9% normal saline. Total volume of 50mls which runs 5ml/hr in syringe driver, to start following birth or last seizure.
Recurrent seizures
Loading dose 2g, 4ml of MgSO4 and 6ml of normal saline. Maintenance dose restarts.
Immediate PN care
Full observations hourly - BP, Pulse, RR, Temp, Sats, Monitor level of consciousness using AVPU score.
Level 2 critical care
Debrief and treat hypertension
Treat hypertension
- Aim for BP <150/100mm/Hg
- Strict fluid balance
- BP check every 15 minutes if on treatment and every 30mins if stabilised
- R/V 4hrly by Dr
- CTG continuous if not delivered
- Remain left lateral if not delivered
Magnesium sulphate observations
- Hourly Urine measurements as toxicity causes oliguria.
- Hourly deep tendon reflexes
- Hourly RR and O2 as MgSO4 causes respiratory depression
Complication of MgSO4
- Loss of deep tendon reflexes
- Respiratory depression
- Respiratory arrest
Management of MgSO4 toxicity
- Call for help
- Stop infusion
- 1g (10mls of 10%) calcium gluconate IV to reverse MgSO4
Aftercare and Documentation
- Debreif
- Full observations
- CTG continuous
- Time of seizure
- Dose of MgSO4 and time started
- Bloods sent
- Staff present during seizure
- Incident form
- Proforma