ECHR JP restrictions on freedom to manifest religion/belief Flashcards
why this debate
individual religious freedom,
legitimate state’s interests and aims
=> margin of appreciation recognized by ECtHR allowing flexibility to implementing ECHR
but limit and intervention ECtHR when needed
agree with state restrictions
Lautsi vs Italy 2011
court agree display crucifixes in italian classrooms don’t violate right of freedom of thought // even if relligiousn symbol potential element of exclusion of non believers
SAS vs France 2014
court upheld banning wear of full face veils in public places
=necessary to protect public order and safety
Ladele vs UK 2013
registar refused to conduct civil partnership ceremonies on religious grounds
= court agree that didn’t violated freedom of religion
Disagree with state restriction
Eweida vs UK 2013
dismissal indiviudals for wearing a cross
=UK failed accomodate religious beliefs