Echo parameters Flashcards
Optimal planes for PVs
R parasternal transverse images at level of LA And Ao, LAX, L parasternal transverse images with LA and LAA, modified apical 4 chamber view
Pattern of PV flow
- Flow is pulsatile and continuous.
o LA filling: mostly during ventricular systole → + S deflection
Can be biphasic
Directly related to mean LAP
↑ HR and age
o LA emptying: early diastole → drop in LA pressure while blood flow into LV
Blood is passively pulled into LA as blood moves through MV into LV → + D deflection
Simultaneous to E wave
o Atrial contraction: backward mvt of flow into PVs because of ↑ LA pressure → - A deflection
Simultaneous to A wave
Affected by: end diastolic LAP, LA fct, LV compliance, HR/rhythm
Velocity ↑ w age, duration ↓ with age
Optimal plane for transmitral flow
o L parasternal 4 and 5 chamber view
o Sample gate at tip of leaflets wide open
o PW Doppler
Flow profile affected by
- Best flow profiles with highest velocity, ↓ spectral broadening and good definition of A and E waves
o Rapid HR:
>125bpm may cause overlap of E and A waves
>200bpm = no separation
o Affected by preload, myocardial relaxation
Pattern/phases of transmitral flow
o Early phase of ventricular filling (E wave): from MV opening → peak ventricular filling
o Late phase (A wave): atrial contraction
o E usually > A wave → E:A ratio >1
↑HR can bring ratio closer to 1
* ↓ E wave → ↓ ventricular volume due to ↓ filling time
* ↑ A wave → ↑ flow due to atrial contraction
Peak E wave affected by
IVRT, LA/LV gradient, ventricular compliance
E wave incr with
- ↑LAP
- ↓LVP (↑ relaxation rate)
- ↓ compliance
- Small MV area
E wave decr by
- ↓LAP
- Impaired relaxation
- ↑ compliance
- Large MV area
*Usually result in ↑A wave because of higher contribution to LV filling
A wave incr with
↑ with ↑HR
What other thing can be seen on transmitral flow
- MV opening click present, closing click barely present
o Lack of opening click suggest gate to far in LV
o Loud opening gate suggest gate to close to MV annulus
↓ E velocity and deceleration time
RV inflow patterns
= similar to LV inflow
o Velocities are lower (↓ pressure drop RA → RV)
o Inspiration ↑ peak flow velocity
Especially E wave → E + E:A ↑ w inspiration
When does ventricular outflow starts
Flow starts toward end of QRS → ends after T wave
Optimal plane for Ao flow velocity
o Should show LV length about 2x width
Apical 5 chamber view
Subcostal 5 cham ber view
o Doppler gate just distal to AoV
Pattern of Ao flow
o Rapid acceleration, peak reach in 1/3 of systole
Little spectral broadening until peak is reached
Most healthy dogs <2m/s
* >2.5m/s = abnormal
* 2-2.5m/s = grey zone
Mean Ao flow acceleration = 32cm/m2
o Slower deceleration → asymmetric profile
o Shorter ejection time vs PA flow
LVOT flow optimal plane
- Apical 5 chamber place
o Gate proximal to AoV → btwn IVS and anterior MV leaflet
Pattern of LVOT flow
similar to Ao flow w lower velocity
Pulmonic flow optimal plane
- Gate placed distal to valve w/I PA
- Good angle of interrogation but depth may be an issue for adequate recording
Pattern of PA flow
symmetrical and rounded
o Acceleration time slower vs Ao → peak reached mid systole
Mean AT:ET in dogs = 0.43
o Peak flow velocity usually <1.3m/s
o Slightly longer ET and ↓ PEP compared to Ao flow (↓afterload)
What affects AT of PA flow
↓ vascular resistance → ↓ acceleration time in PA
What incr PA flow peak
↑ with inspiration
LAA flow
- Fill in ventricular systole
o Fe: 0.24 to 0.93m/s - Empty during A contraction in late diastole
o Fe emptying velocity: 0.19 to 1m/s
Spectral Doppler flow measurements: peak velocity
maximal upward/downward motion
o In cm/s or m/s
Spectral Doppler flow measurements: mean velocity
o Tracing of the flow envelop → area under the curve = distance a volume of blood travels
Velocity time interval, flow velocity integral or time velocity integral
o Proportional to SV
o Cm
Ventricular ejection time
o At baseline, from onset → end of flow
o Effect of HR can be minimized by normalizing the interval w HR
Uses the slope of HR vs LVET graph = 0.55
Acceleration time
- Time to peak flow = acceleration time
o Onset of flow at baseline to maximal peak flow velocity
fraction of time spent to reach maximal velocity
Pre ejection period
o Similar to IVCT: AoV + MV closed → build up of LV pressure
o From onset of QRS → onset of systolic flow
o Ratio PEP/LVET = more accurate indicator of LV fct
Velocity of fiber shortening
o Combines ET to FS%
o Measure how fast the LV shortens
o Can be normalized to HR (/HR x100)
Vcf equation
Vcf = (LVIDd-LVIDs)/(LVIDd x ET)
Diastolic time interval
IVRT: what, optimal plane
- Isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT):
o Indirectly measure ventricular relaxation: time for LV to equalize LAP
From apical 4 or 5 chamber view
Cursor in LVOT close to MV
From end of Ao flow → start of MV flow
Delayed relaxation
Normal IVRT in dz
o ↑LAP normalizes IVRT in dz
External factors affecting doppler flows
- ↑ HR: ↑ peak and mean velocity
- Inspiration
- ↓ weight
No effects: age, sex, breed
Tissue Doppler
- Information about myocardial velocity
o Color tissue Doppler: mean myocardial velocity
Lower velocities vs pulsed
Endocardial velocities < epicardial velocities from radial fibers
o Pulsed wave tissue Doppler: peak myocardial velocity
Phases of TDI
o Positive systolic motion: S’
o Early diastolic motion: E’
o Late diastolic motion: A’
o IVRT: end of S’ → start of E’
o IVCT: end of A’ → start o f S’
Goals of color flow Doppler
- Evaluate for insufficiencies: trivial or mild regurgitation not hemodynamically significant.
o Usually no murmur
o Pathologic regurgitation
Semi quantitative evaluation: size of color flow jet in atria - Color M mode: helps separate events diastole vs systole
Factors affecting systolic function
o HR
o Contractility
o Preload → amount of blood distending ventricles at end diastole
Force stretching myocardium → Starling law = ↑ stretch → ↑ contraction force
Eccentric hypertrophy → ↑LV mass in response to ↑ volume
o Afterload
Force against which the heart must contract → systemic/pulmonary BP
Concentric hypertrophy → ↑wall thickness w/o ↑ volume
Inverse relationship w myocardial fiber shortening
o Distensibility
o Coordinated contraction
Systolic dysfct =
impaired pumping ability and ↓EF%
SV reflects
EF reflects
Particularity of RV contraction and phases
How is it eval?
o Starts at apex → upper region of RV chamber = slow + continuous mvt of blood into lungs
o 3 phases
Contraction of papillary muscles
Mvt of RVFW → IVS
Wringing of RV 2nd to LV contraction
o Mostly qualitative evaluation
Estimates of volume and EF inaccurate
Hu: fractional area % change (FAC):
* Apical 4 chamber view
Other parameters: CaVC, PAP from TR
M-mode eval of systolic fct
FS% affected by
preload, afterload, contractility
not a measure of contractility but fct
Factors causing decr FS%
↓ preload, ↑ afterload, ↓contractility
Factors causing incr FS%
↑ preload, ↓ afterload, ↑ contractility
FS% equation
FS% = (LVIDd-LVIDs)/(LVIDd ) x 100