ECH Final Review Flashcards
Cepahlo- Caudal
Head to toe development
Object Permanence
ability to understand an object is still there even when not in sight
Expressive Language Example
Emery asked for another cracker
Powerful urge to belong to a peer group (matching)
older school agers
concrete operational (matching)
older school agers
call each other names and say hurtful things (matching)
ask a lot of questions (matching)
adult centered definition of behavior
when the behavior affects the teacher or parent
Moral stages of development
Mr. Jacoby
Inappropriate expectations
Shemeka and Writing Centers
How to react when a child is being annoying or embarrassing
A- redirect, B- ignore & C- focus attention elsewhere
Best way to handle situations with young children
redirect them
we change the ____________ rather than the ________
environment; child
Recognizing and encouraging children is different than praising them, how?
Recognition is very specific in nature
What are the two most effective tools in communication skills?
practicing and modeling
active listening includes all EXCEPT
observing others as child is speaking to you
Gazda and others define 3 needs fro communication, which is NOT one
power over the situation
Dreikurs and Castle list 3 goals about a child’s mistaken logic, which is NOT one
to be liked
the process of using books to help children think about and understand social/emotional concerns
At age 3 we see in increase in _______ aggression and a decrease in _______________ aggression
verbal; physical
When is it important for a child to say “I’m sorry”
When it is the child’s idea
Consequences occurs without adult intervention (matching)
consequence is directly related to infraction (matching)
consequence had not connection to the infraction
Setting on wall during outdoor play for not following rules (matching)
moving from green to yellow for talking while the teacher is talking (matching)
sitting in a chair next to rug when misbehaving at group time (matching)
during a highly structured process of behavior modification, adults typically do what?
A-rewards….& B punishes…
Nonverbal communication includes all of the following EXCEPT
using simple direct words
Feeling valued and self-sufficient (matching)
Having food, water and shelter (matching)
freedom form discomfort
b/c children in generational poverty have different rules than school it _____ ______ okay to excuse them to the same expectations
The greatest gift we can give children in generational poverty is
give them 2 sets of rules
Denton said saying “I like” to a child means (to them)
we are trying to manipulate him or others
which is NOT a guideline in power of our words
know when to be cautious
mean what you say (matching)
be direct
leave out warnings (matching)
keep it brief
describe behavior not character or attitude (matching)
keep it action oriented
children engage in highly charged activities were too _________ to remember rules and think reasonably