ECG Strips Flashcards
Ventricular Tachycardia

Hypokalemia turning to Ventricular Fibrilation
2nd degree AV block - 2:1
(Since no U waves in chest leads this is not Hypokalemia)
RBBB : Rabbit Ears on V1
Inferoposterior Acute MI:
Patho Q and ST elevation on III and Recipricolly on V2,V3
WPW type A - Pre excitation:
Short PR and wide QRS
Ventricular Parasystole / LBBB
Anterior Acute STEMI - V1-V4
Atrial Fibrilation
Bifascicular Block:
- RBBB - Rabbit ears on V1
- Left posterior Hemiblock - ERD - Negative lead I
- *1st degree AV block -** Long PR
- *Right Ventricular Hypertrophy:**Dominant R wave on V1,2,3
- *Right Axis Deviation :** Negative R on Lead I
Ischemia / stable angina ( T inversion / biphasic)
Acute anterior MI

Flat T waves + U waves in leads II, III, aVF, V5-6

Severe Hypokalemia:
Long QT, U waves and Flat T waves with Inconstat Baseine
Trifascicular Block:
- RBBB - Rabbit ears on V1
- Left anterior Hemiblock - ELD - aVF+II Negative
- AV 1st Degree block - PR over 5 small squares
Sinus Bradycardia
- *2nd degree AV block - Mobitz I**
- *Inferior subacute MI** -Pathological Q waves in III and aVF (more than 1/4 of R) , T inversion
- *Wide QRS** - Aberrnt conduction (from MI)
- *Left Ventricular Hypertrophy -**According to Sokolov-Lyon Principle: S wave of V1 + R Wave V5 are Bigger than 35mm
Idioventricular Rhythem
High Lateral Hyperacute STEMI: V5-V6, I, aVL
Sinus Bradycardia
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy:Sokolow-Lyon criteria
hyperacute anterior MI :ST segment elevation in V2,V3
Wellen’s syndrome: T is Biphasic and inverted in V2-V6
- This syndrome’s ECG is a manifestation of critical proximal LAD coronary a.Stenosis in patients with unstable angina
Sinus Bradycardia
High Lateral Ischemia - I, V4-6, T Inversion+ST depression
Junctional Tachycardia - Inverted P+ High HR
Ventricular Ectopic Beat
Old septal MI - Pathological Q waves in V1, V2 (“Q+S”)
2nd degree AV block - Mobitz Type I
LAD (-30)
V1-V3 - short R waves
Regular Rhythm
HR - 200 BPM
Narrow QRS
Lack of Distinct P wave - Joined with QRS; Psuedo S waves
No WPW Pattern

Sinus Bradycardia
Peaked T waves + Short QT Segment:
Hypercalcemia/Congenital short QT Syn
1st Degree AV block
Acute Extensive MI
V1-V6 + I ST Segment Elevation + Pathological Q oN V1-4
3rd Degree AV Block
Orthodromic AVRT
- *RBBB** - “Rabbit Ears on V1”
- *Acute inferior MI** : Pathological QRS and ST elevation in II,III,aVF
- *Junctional Tachycardia:** Accelerated AV Nodal Impulse ,P wave is after QRS complex
- *Left Axis Devation**
Normal ECG Tracing
- Most prominant finding is ST elevation in several leads that DO NO correspond to the area of supply of Any coronary
Trifascicular Block :
1st degree AV block + LBBB
Anterior Acute MI - V1,V2,V3
Normal ECG Tracing

Longer QT+ Longer ST with no change in T wave
Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia - Some are Inverted P waves some are Upright.
Left Ventricualr Hypertrophy - According to Sokolov-Lyon Principle: S wave of V1 + R Wave V5 are Bigger than 35mm
Junctional and Ventricular Escape Rhythms
3rd Degree SA Block
Junctional Escape Rhythems
AVRT - Orthodromic
WPW - Type B (Negative V1)
Arrythmia caused by Ventricular Trigemny (VEB/PVC)

Low Voltage - Amyloidosis:
Inappropriate Scartissue replacing Myocardium after MI
P Pulmonale
V1-V3 small R waves
Second Degree AV Block - Mobitz Type 1
Inferior Acute STEMI - III, II, aVF
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Posteroinferiolateral Hyperacute STEMI -
V2-3, (ST- Depression), II, III, aVF, V5-6
P - Pulmonale
LAD (-20~)
Anteroseptal Hyperacute MI - V1,V2,V3 ST elevation
Sinus Bradycardia
P - Mitrale (LAH) - Notched P wave
Inverted T waves, V1-6: Subacute Extensive Ischemia
No Patho Q - So more likely to be Normal Variation
Sinus Bradycardia
Delta Waves Present on III and II, Negative V1→ WPW Syndrome Type B
- *Old Septal MI** - V1,V2
- *Left Ventricular Hypertrophy** - Sokolow-Lyon Criteria

QT is very short, all elements are crowded together
Sinus Rhythm
Trifascicular Block:
- RBBB - “Rabbit Ears on V1”
- First Degree AV Block : Long PR
- LPH - Negative R in Lead I (No Right Ventricular Hypertrophy - No P Pulmunale)
- *Inferior old/subacute MI** - Pathological Q waves in II,III, aVF
- *RBBB** - Rabbit Ears V1 R wave + Wide QRS
- *Extreme Left Axis Deviation** - Inverted R Lead II (Cause of MI)

Sinus Bradycardia
Hypothermia: Osborn Wave (J) elevation+Tall T waves
Antedromic AVRT

Atrial Bradyfibriation - Digitalis Effect:
Scooped ST Depression (obvious on V5), Short QT, U waves
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Patological Q waves on aVL - Old Infract
2nd Degree SA Block - Mobitz Type I
Atrial Fibrilation
Bifascicular Block:
- Extensive Left Axis Deviation - Negative aVF and II
- RBBB-Not the classical; Wide QRS+ “V2 Rabbit Ears”
Ventricular Ectopic Beats - Trigeminy Arrythmia
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy - Sokolov Criteria
Sinus Bradycardia
Sinus tachycardia
Inferior and lateral hyperacute MI (ST elevation only)
Posterior acute MI (Q and ST elevation)
Atrial Multifocal Tachycardia - Arrhythmic with Atrial escape beats
Subacute anteroseptal MI - V1-V3 Patho Q, ST elevation, T Inversion
Atrial Fibrilation
High Degree RBBB (marked one beat)
SIQIIITIII Pattern - Pulmonary Embolism
2nd degree AV block - Mobitz Type I
LBBB - “Notched Towe”r on first R of V6 + Wide QRS
Extreme Left Axis Deviation - Negative R in Lead II (cause of LBBB)
Dual pacemaker - Atria and Ventricles
Ventricular Ectopic Beats (PVC) in aVR , aVL , aVF

Pulmonary Emboism:
S1Q3T3 Pattern - Negative Signals in Corresponding Leads
also : Sinus Tachycardia, Incomplete RBBB

Sinus Tachycardia
Pericardial Effusion: Electric QRS Alternans
Atrial Flutter
Left Axis Deviation - aVF Negative, II Biphasic
Premature Ventricular Contraction (1 only is present)
LBBB - “Notched R in I”
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy - Sokolow Criteria , Strain Phenomena T inversions
WPW-type B (Atrial Rhythem)
AVRT-Orthodromic Tachycardia (150 BPM)

AVNRT - AV Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia
Rhythmic, Tachycardia
In Lead III there are Retrograde P waves

Sinus Bradycardia
Hyperkalemia - Isoelectric ST + PEAKED T in Chest leads
Atrial Fibrilation
Bifascicular Block :
- RBBB - Rabbit Ears on V1
- ELD - Anterior Fascicle Hemiblock
Sinus Bradycardia
Old Infraction - Pathological Q and T inversion on III
Pericarditis - ST Elevation in Almost Every Lead
AV 2:1 Conducation Block
Ischemic Heart Disease - T wave Inversions
NO Retrograde P wave Deform ST Segment (+No WPW)
Bruguda Syndrome
- *Polymorph PVC**
- *Digoxin Effect** - ‘Reverse Tick’ ST Segment Depression is shown in V5 V6 leads (Scooped ST), T reduction and QT Shortening. (Atrial bradyfibrilation)
- Blocks Na+/K+ ATPase
- Increased Ca2+ in cells —> easily contracted muscle
Digitalis Toxicity
(Source of Digoxin)
- *Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia** - arrhythmia, different morphology of P wave
- *Right Ventricular and Atrial Hypertrophy** - P Pulmonale + R Dominant on V1
- *Atrial fibrillation** - No baseline
- *ELD** - Negative aVF and II ,Wide QRS - LAH
- *LVH**
LGL Syndrome
Left Axis Deviation
Allorhythmia - Ventricular Bigeminy
ELD - Negative aVF and II
Inferior-Anterior Acute MI - V1-3,aVF, III : ST elevation and Pathological Q waves
3rd Degree AV Block with Junctional Escape Beats
Inferior Hyperacute MI
Anterior Ischemia