ECG MI Flashcards
What is Myocardial ischemia and what portion of an ECG recognizes it?
Inadequate blood supply to heart for less than 20 min. Produces changes in the T wave due to impaired repolarization.
What is Myocardial Injury and what portion of an ECG recognizes it?
Inadequate blood supply to heart for more than 20 min. Produces changes in the ST segment due to inability to fully polarize.
What is Myocardial Infarction and what portion of an ECG recognizes it?
Occlusion that results in tissue death. Produces changes in the QRS complex due to complete inability to depolarize.
What specific pattern would you see on an ECG with a patient experiencing Ischemia?
Inverted T waves and tall, peaked T waves
What specific pattern would you see on an ECG with a patient experiencing Injury?
ST segment elevation
What specific pattern would you see on an ECG with a patient experiencing Infarction?
Abnormal Q wave/QRS complex
What are the exact ECG identifiers for a STEMI and on which leads would be analyzing?
Leads V2 - V3
1) ST segment elevation greater than 2 mm in men
2) ST segment elevation greater than 1.5 mm in women with an absence of left ventricular hypertrophy
3) ST segment elevation greater than 1 mm in 2 or more contiguous chest or limb leads
A population of patients will not experience pain when having an MI (silent MI), this is because they have…
What do I mean when I say a STEMI is “transmural”?
Transmural means that the infarction spans through the layers of tissue from the subendocardium to the epicardial surface.
At what point on an ECG does a ST segment elevation begin?
The “J-point”, which is the point at the very end of the QRS wave.
What condition can obscure an ST elevation analysis? Why?
Left Bundle Branch Block will obscure an ST elevation analysis because it produces a Wide QRS complex and the ST segment dips down below baseline
What is an NSTEMI?
Non-ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction.
ECG shows an ST segment depression and a T wave inversion.
Patient will have chest pain and ELEVATED cardiac enzymes (troponin, CKMB, etc)
What is an NSTE ACS?
Non-ST segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome.
ECG shows an ST segment depression and a T wave inversion
Patient will have chest pain and NORMAL cardiac enzymes (troponin, CKMB, etc)
Encompasses Unstable Angina
What artery and leads would you use to find MI/Ischemia in the Anterior Wall of the Heart?
Left Anterior Descending (LAD) artery (known as the widow maker)
Leads V1 - V6
What artery and leads would you use to find MI/Ischemia in the Inferior Wall of the Heart?
Right Coronary Artery (RCA)
Leads II, III, and AVF