ECG basics in kids Flashcards
Normal electrical axis
Positive in Lead I, II and AvF
Differences in paediatric ECGs vs adults
Faster heart rates
Shorter PR and QRS intervals
RV dominance (apparent RV strain pattern)
i. R axis deviation (> +90°)
ii. T wave inversions in V1-V3
1. Starts in first weeks of life, disappears by school / teenage
iii. Dominant R wave in V1
Q waves in inferior and lateral leads
i. 0-1 month in III up to 4 small squares expected
ii. Abnormal after school age
Potential site of blocks
SAN – internodal tracts – AV node – His – AP fascicles – Purkinje
Sinus p wave characteristics
P wave axis [0° and +75°]
Best seen in leads Il and V1
Upright in leads I and II
Usually biphasic in lead V1 inverted in aVR
Amplitude: < 2.5 small squares (<0.25mV)
Duration: < 3 small squares (< 120ms)
Abnormal p-wave characteristics
- Lack of p-wave
- Retrograde p-wave
Sinoatrial block definition
Delay from SAN to atrial activation - before p wave
First degree SAN block characteristics
can not dx on ECG as this is delay from SAN and P wave
Second degree type I SAN block
with each other beat reduced conduction from SAN to atria, then dropped p-wave, PP interval prolongs across beats
Second degree type II SAN block
regular p-wave, regular QRS, then missed p-wave regularly missed, PP interval regular
Third degree SAN block
full loss of p-waves irregularly
AV block - I degree
PR prolonged
AV block - II degree type I
PR prolongs then drops
Block at the level of the AV node
AV block II degree type II
regular drop
* Block at His – narrow QRS
* Block at Tawara branches – wide QRS
* Block at right and left bundle fascicles – wide QRS
AV block III degree
Complete AV dyssynchrony, ventricular or junctional escape
RBBB characteristics
98th centile or 0.12s
Rightward - anterior terminal vector
V1, V2: rSR’ [R’ > r], downsloping ST segments
V5, V6, I, aVL: broad S waves [duration of S > R]
T wave discordance
ORS axis not be affected
Left axis deviation: concomitant left anterior hemiblock [LAH] or other causes
Right axis deviation: concomitant left posterior hemiblock [LPH] or other causes