Acute scenarios Flashcards
Two aetiologies of heart failure in children
Over-circulation: more than expected flow in either side of the heart, muscle does not keep up
Pump failure: damage to heart muscle, fails to contract
Definition of HF
Failure of the heart to maintain adequate perfusion of body tissues.
Congestive heart failure term describes a situation of increased venous congestion in the pulmonary vasculature (LHF), or systemic (RHF) veins. This occurs when the mechanisms regulating CO are no longer adequate or overridden by excess demand. Common in syndromic children.
Causes of overcirculatory HF in children
- CHD: HLH, severe AS, interrupted AA/CoA, PDA, TAPVD, large VSD, TGA, truncus arteriosus.
- Postoperative CHD repair
- AV malformation (i.e. hepatic)
- Severe anaemia (i.e. hydrops fetalis)
Causes of pump failure HF in children
- Viral myocarditis/cardiomyopathy
- Metabolic cardiomyopathy (i.e. Pompe disease)
- Arrhythmias: SVT, VT, congenital heart block
- Ischemia: Kawasaki disease, early onset MI in FH, ALCAPA
- Medications i.e. chemotherapy
Symptoms of HF in children
Infant: breathless, cold extremities, wheeze (cardiac asthma) , grunting, feeding difficulties, sweat, fail to thrive, recurrent chest infections
Older: fatigue, exercise intolerance, dizziness, syncope
Examination in HF in children
General: tachycardia (not in CHB), absence of heart murmur does not exclude this (TGA, HLH, COA)
Left HF: resp distress, gallop rhythma, displaced apex, tachypnea
Right HF: odema, hepatosplenomegaly, JV distension not often in child
Decompensated HF: hypotension, cool peripheries, shock, low urine output, thread pulse, high capillary refill time, renal and hepatic failure
Investigations for HF in children
Bloods: acid base balance, FBC, WCC, viral PCR, cultures for IE
CXR: cardiomegaly, signs of HF (Kerly B, pulmonary odema, increased markings, effusions, cardiomegaly)
ECG: rate, rhythm, hypertrophy or hypoplasia. Evidence of myocarditis or ischaemia
Echo is diagnostic in cases of CHD (see lesions), myocarditis/DCM (thin walled dilated LV), Kawasaki (if CA aneurysms seen)
Might require angiography, genetic testing, chromosomal type
Management of HF in children
ABCDE management. Emergency requiring admission to specialist unit.
Investigation of underlying cause and management
Newborn: Duct dependent CHD is most likely cause – IV PGE2 should be initiated.
General blanket principles: reduce preload (loop diuretics) enhance contractility (ionotropes) reduce afterload (ACEi), improve O2 delivery and nutrition.
Mechanical circulatory support as a bridge to cardiac transplantation may be considered.
Differentiating cardiogenic vs respiratory cyanosis in children
Hyperoxia test
The PaO2 is measured in the right radial artery (preductal) on room air and after 10 minutes of 100% oxygen supplementation.
Aetiology of Kawasaki disease
Epidemiological studies suggest infectious agent in genetically susceptible individuals
* Infectious hypothesis – winter spring seasonality, community outbreaks
* Genetic susceptibility: Japanese individuals more prone
* Superantigen hypothesis ?
DDX Kawasaki disease
Streptococcal disease (Scarlet fever) viral infection (measles, EBV, enterovirus) staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, drug hypersensitivity, JIA,
Definition and criteria for KD
Childhood acute febrile illness with small and medium vessel vasculitis.
Classic features: high fever >=4days, presence of >=4 of:
* Erythema, odema of hands and feet
* Diffuse maculopapular rash (within 5 days)
* Bilateral non exudative oconjunctivitis
* Chapped erythemaotus lips and oral mucosa, strawberry tongue
* Cervical lymphadenopathy
Incomplete or atypical disease is suspected with fever of five days or more with two or three of the features.
Firstcardiac investigation on suspecting KD
Transthoracic echocardiography should be performed as soon as Kawasaki disease is suspected to evaluate for coronary artery aneurysms.
Treatment of KD
IVIG +/-
Consider corticosteroids for severe disease
Long-term monitoring of coronaries
Causes of tachyarryhthmia in children
Sinus tachycardia
Other atrial tachycardias (MAT/EAT)
Management of SVT in children
If signs of shock (chest pain, pulm oedema, hypoxia): Cardiac monitoring, NRB mask, insert IV, sedation, DCCV (1-2 J/kg)
If no signs of shock: Attempt manouvres( Valsalva, diving reflex). If no response, IV cannula and adenosine 100mcg/kg (then 200 then 300 if no response)
Record strips in all cases as this will help determine aetiology
In the long term: ablation, especially if AVRT
PALS algorithm - non-shockable rhythm
Re-assess rhythm every 2 minutes
Adrenaline 10 mcg/kg immediately then on alternate 2-min rounds
PALS algorithm - shockable rhythm
Re-assess rhythm every 2 minutes
Shock 4 J/kg
Adrenaline 10 mcg/kg at second shock, then every other
Amiodarone 5mg/kg after third shock, then every other
Choking child with ineffective cough - conscious
5 back blows
5 chest thrusts
Assess and repeat
Choking child with ineffective cough - unconscious
Open aiwrway
2 breaths
CPR 15:2
Check for FB
Choking child with effective cough
Encourage coughing
Maintain ongoing assessment until resolved
Bradycardia - no shock
Monitor closely for symptoms
Seek opinion
Bradycardia with shock
Vagal overactivity? Atropine 20mcg/kg
No clear evidence of vagal overactivity? Adrenaline 10mcg/kg, consider adrenaline infusion, consider pacing
Blood and fluid therapy in trauma and massive blood loss
15 mg/kg TXA IV/IO
Consider resuscitating with blood products (RBC:FFP 1:1) immediately. If not available, 10mL/kg warmed NaCl
If shock remains, repeat blood products or warmed NaCl
If shock remains, escalate hemorrage control + 5mL/kg blood product
After 20mL/kg of blood products, request major hemorrhage pack
Continue 5mL/kg boluses of blood products
After further 20mL/kg blood products, give 10-15mL/kg platelets and 0.1mL/kg of 10% Calcium chloride
Repeat blood product bolus loop if no resolution
Hyperkalaemia in child
Arrhythmia: as per arrhythmia protocol + Calcium 0.1mmol/kg IV
No arrhythmia:
- Nebulised salbutamol 2.5mg
- Repeat K
- If improving, Ca resonium 1g/kg PO
- If still high and pH<7.34, Na HCO3 1-2mmol/kg IV
- If still high and pH >7.35, Glucose 10% 5mL/kg and insulin 0.05u/kg/h IV + Ca resonium 1g/kg PO
Plan dialysis if necessary
What is pre-ductal SpO2
SpO2 taken from right arm (pre-ductal)
Causes of HF in utero
Severe valvular disease e.g., Ebstein
Severe anaemia
Paroxysmal SVT
AV block
Severe mitral insufficiency in AVSD