ECG 6: STEMI mimics Flashcards
Criteria for benign early repolarization pattern
- prominent notch or J wave at the end of QRS cocmplex or slur on the downstroke of the R wave
- the peak of the notch or J wave is 0.1 mV or greater in amplitude in 2 or more contiguous leads, excluding V1 to V3 (to avoid cases of Brugada pattern)
so look for these J wave or notch in the infeior or lateral leads - the QRS duration is normal
remarks on benign early repolarization pattern
Its appearance is labile, being most prominent under conditions of increased vagal tone and decreasing with exercise
occurs in as many as 30% of the gen pop
and is most prevalent in young adults, esp athletes
other names for Takotsubo cardiomyopathy
“transient left ventricular apical ballooning syndrome”
“stress cardiomyopathy”
remarks on takotsubo cardiomyopathy
characterized by reversible wall motion abnormalities of the LV apex and midventricle
usually postmenopausal women
reported in the setting of *emotional or physiologic stress
may relate to coronary vasospasm or adrenergically mediatgegd myocardial damage
remarks on CVA T wave pattern
seen in SAH
usually assoc’d with marked QT PROLONGATION
probably induced by excessive sympathetic stimulation mediated through the HYPOTHALAMUS
usually associated with BRADYCARDIA
Examples of STEMI mimics
Acute pericarditis
Benign early repolarization
Brugada syndrome
LVH strain
Osborn waves (hypothermia, hypercalcemia)
Takotsubo CM