ECG Flashcards
Describe the parts of the conducting system in order of flow
SA node
AV node
Bundle of His
Bundle branches
- right bundle branch
- left bundle branch (-> anterior + posterior fascicles)
Purkinje fibres
What is the order for describing an ECG?
Patient details
Conduction intervals
P wave
PR interval
QRS complex
ST segment
T wave
What represents atrial depolarisation?
P wave
How much time is a small sqaure?
Therefore, large square = 0.2s
What should always precede a QRS complex?
A p-wave
What is the normal length of a p wave?
Less than 0.12s
What is the PR interval?
The time taken for the conduction to be passed from the SAN to the ventricles
What represents ventricular depolarisation?
QRS complex
What is the normal length of a QRS complex?
Less than 0.12 seconds
What is classed as a prolonged PR interval?
Greater than 0.2 seconds
What does the QT interval represent?
Time taken to depolarise and repolarise the ventricular myocardium
What represents ventricular repolarisation?
The ST segment
What does the T wave represent?
It is a low amplitute deflection after ventricular repolarisation
How much voltage is one small square?
What are the standard limb leads on an ECG?
Lead 1 - R arm to L arm (lateral view) Lead 2 - R arm to L leg (inferior view) Lead 3 - L arm to L leg Lead aVR - (L arm and L leg) to R arm Lead aVL - (R arm and L leg) to L arm Lead aVF - (R arm and L arm) to L leg
How should heart rate be calculated?
300 / (no. of large squares between RR interval) = beats per minute