EcE Quiz Flashcards
Primary by genetics
Maturational theory
Entirely on their experiences,
Children are blank slates
All leaning is observable behavior
Behaviorist theory
Learning to respond to a neutral event with the same behavior as to a naturally pleasurable or I un pleasurable one
( waston)
Classic conditioning
Leaning of desirable behavior by being systematically rewarded for them. Ex positive reinforcement
(B.f. Skinner)
Operant conditioning
Children learn new behavior just by observing others. Learn by imitation
Social learning theory
Personality develops through through resolving conflicts between internal desires and impulses and outside pressure.
Psychoanalytic theory
Intellectual growth is the most important aspect of development
( Piaget)
Cognitive development theory
Focuses on the influence of language social interaction and culture on intellectual development.
( lev vigotsky)
Sociocultural theory
Intellectual development and learning by active construction of meaning form the world.
( siegler, dodge)
Information professing theory
Development is embedded with and influenced by cultural community
( urie brofenbreener)
Ecological system theory
Using language and interaction to guide children thinking.
Zone in which children can learn with indirect help.
zone of proximal development (zpd)
The setting and in situations that influence the growing person.
Research that involves writing a rich description of behaviors and development rather than counting or quantifying observation.
Qualitative research
An overall evaluation of children’s growth after they have graduated from a particular program or classroom.
Summative assessment
The evaluation of children behavior, learning, and development over time and relatively frequently, in order to immediately improve services to individual children.
Formative assessment
A listing of milestone or behavioral characteristics that may be checked off by a teacher.
Developmental checklist
Teacher/ researcher observers children at regular time.
Time sampling
A qualitative assessment method in which children’s behavior is observed and recorded in a rich narrative.
Anecdotal records
Examples of children play and work that reveal important information about their development are collected and analyzed over time.
Work sampling
One Assessment method that takes into account family and cultural factors, as well as convenient assessment measures.
Case study
A feeling of individuality and uniqueness apart from his or her parents