EC201 LT Flashcards
Marshal’s consumer surplus
The most you would be willing to pay for good x if is no good x is the value of good x
Consumer surplus is value - cost
Consumer surplus is the difference between what consumer would have been prepared to pay compared to what they actually payed
Completeness - If a consumer is choosing between two bundles A and B one of the following possibilities holds: she prefers A to B or B to A or is indifferent
Can rank any two possibilities
U(X1A, X2A) > U(X1B, X2B) - prefers bundle A
U(X1A, X2A) < U(X1B, X2B) - prefers bundle B
U(X1A, X2A) = U(X1B, X2B) - indifferent (A and B equally attractive)
If A is preferred to B and B to C then A is preferred to C
U(X1A, X2A) > U(X1B, X2B) and,
U(X1B, X2B) > U(X1C, X2C) then,
U(X1A, X2A) > U(X1C, X2C)
If A is preferred to B and C is close to B, then A is preferred to C
More is better, Increasing consumption of goods increases utility -> implies that indifference curves slope downwards, points above indifference curve give higher utility than points on or below
If du/dx1 > 0 and du/dx2 > 0 then increasing x1 and or x2 increases utility. The indifference curve slopes downwards, the preferred set is above the indifference curve and nonsatiation is satisfied
Nonsatiation requires if X1B > X1A then U(X1B, X2A) is preferred to U(X1A, X2A)
Nonsatiation implies that points above an indifference curve are preferred to points on the indifference curve. These points are the preferred set
Any straight line joining two points lies inside the set/lies entirely on or above the graph, increasing first derivatives with positive second derivatives
Convex functions are functions with increasing first derivatives and positive second derivatives
The assumption of diminishing MRS is equivalent to the assumption that all combinations of x and y a preferred or indifferent to a particular combination of x,y for a convex set
If indifference curves are convex (if they obey the assumption of diminishing MRS), then the line joining any two points that are indifferent will contain point preferred to either of the initial combinations. Intuitively, balanced bundle of goods are preferred to extreme bundles
Mathematically a set is convex if any straight line joining two points in the set lies in the set
Can indifference curves cross?
No because if u(a) = u(b) and u(b) = u(c), transitivity implies that a and c are indifferent but nonsatiation implies that a had higher utility than c
Amount of good 1 given up, amount of extra good 2 needed to get back to the same u
Rate at which the consumer would be willing to give up one good for the other while maintaining the same level of utility
Ordinal Utility
The order of number attached to indifference curves does not change
Relative utility ranking/utility of two bible
Any transformation that preserves the ordering will give the same ordering of utility
(can multiple by a positive number, take it at a power of a positive number, take logs)
What is a utility function?
A utility function assigns a number to bundles then, to compares to bundles, it suffices to check which gives high utility
Definition of uncompensated demand
The consumer’s demand functions x1(p1,p2,m) maximise utility u(x1,x2) subject to the budget constraint p1x1 + p2x2 <= m and non negativity constraints x1>=0, x2>=0
To get uncompensated demand, fix income and prices which fixes the budget line. Get onto highest possible indifference curve
Uncompensated demand is a function of prices and income
Homogeneity of uncompensated demand
All uncompensated demand functions are homogeneous of degree 0 in prices and income
E.g. what happens to uncompensated demand when prices and income are all multiplied by 2? Demand does not change, the values of x1 and x2 do not change when p1,p2 and m are all multiplied by t>0 (draw diagram and show budget line/budget set doesn’t change)
Demand curves: if p1 increases, there is movement up the demand curve, if income m increases the demand curve shifts outwards and quantity demanded increases
Own price elasticity
%change in quantity/%change in own price
Income elasticity of demand
%change in quantity/%change in income
Normal vs Inferior goods
A good is normal if consumption increases when income increases, positive income elasticity if x1 is a normal good
A good is inferior if consumption decreases when income increases, negative income elasticity if x1 is an inferior good
Cobb Douglas Utility
With Cobb-Douglas utility, the consumer with income m>0 will never choose to be at a corner where the budget line meets one of the axes (Because Cobb-Douglas curves never touch the axes!)
Income has an effect in demand for good 1, income elasticity of demand for good 1 = 1
Quasilinear utility
Quasilinear utility: u(x1,x2) = V(x1) + x2
V(x1) is increasing in x1 and concave
Demand for good 1 depends on prices and not income, demand for good two depends on prices and income (one good will not be dependent on income so there will be no income effect)
Income elasticity on a good with no income effect is equal to 1??
When m satisfies the inequality (=/>) -> income has no effect on demand for good 1, income elasticity of demand for good 1 = 0
If m doesn’t satisfy the inequality ( demand for good 1 depends on prices and income, there is an income effect on demand for good 1
If demand for good 1 increases when the price of good 2 increases
If demand for good 1 decreases when the price of good 2 increases
Cross Price Elasticity
measures responsiveness of demands for x1 following the change in price of good x2
Perfect Complements
utility maximisation -> implies that (x1, x2) lies at the kink of the indifference curves
With a perfect complements utility function the ratio of consumptions of the goods does not vary with price or income
Price of good 1 is dependent on price of good 2
Demand curves: increase in p1 results in movement along demand curve, increase in p2 results in shift down the demand curve, increase in m results in shift up demand curve
Perfect Substitutes
MRS is a/b which does not depend on x1 and x2, there is a jump in the demand curve, may be a point where no price equals demand and supply
Price Consumption Curve
Indicates the various amounts of a commodity bought by a consumer when its price changes
A line drawn through all the equilibrium points between indifference curves and expenditure function/budget sets
Income Consumption Curve
The locus of points showing the consumption bundles chosen at each of the various levels of income
How the consumer’s optimal bundle of purchases vary with corresponding income