EC2 Instance Storage Flashcards
What does EBS stand for?
Elastic Block Store
A network drive you can attach to your instances while they run
EBS Volume
What is the EBS Volume’s purpose?
It allows your instance to persist data, even after termination
How many instances can a EBS Volume be mounted to at a time?
Are EBS volume’s bounded to specific AZ?
How should you think of an EBS Volume?
A network USB stick
Are EBS volume’s a physical or network drive?
Network drive
How can you move an EBS Volume across AZ?
Snapshot it
How would you preserve a root volume when an instance is terminated?
Disable delete on termination
A point-in-time copy of your data, and can be used to enable disaster recovery, migrate data across regions and accounts, and improve backup compliance.
EBS Snapshots
Is it necessary for you to detach a volume to do a snapshot?
No but it is recommended
You can copy snapshots across what? (2)
AZ or Region
What powers an EC2 instance?
What does AMI stand for?
Amazon Machine Image
What are AMIs?
A customisation of an EC2 instance
Name three types of AMIs.
- Public AMI
- Your Own AMI
- AWS Marketplace AMI
If you need a high-performance hardware disk, what should you use?
EC2 Instance Store
If you do use an EC2 Instance Store what is your responsibility?
Backups and replication
What are the downsides of using EC2 Instance Store?
- If EC2 Instance Store is stopped it’ll lose its storage (ephemeral)
- Risk of data loss if hardware fails
What is EC2 Instance good for?
- Better I/O performance
* Buffer/cache/scratch data/temporary content
The place where your browser stores images, code, and other files to avoid re-downloading them repeatedly.
Name 6 types of EBS Volumes
gp2/gp3 (SSD)
io1/io2 (SSD)
st1 (HDD)
sc1 (HDD)
Cost effective storage & low latency
What EBS Volume type is this?
Independently set the IOPS and throughput
gp3 (newer version)
IOPS & throughput are linked together
gp2 (older version)
- Critical business applications with sustained IOPS performance
- For applications that need more than 16,000 IOPS
- Great for databases workloads
Which EBS Volume type is this?
io2 has more (blank) and more (blank)
Durability and IOPS per GiB
Sub-millisecond latency
What EBS Volume type is this?
io2 Block Express
If you want over 32,000 IOPS what do you need?
EC2 Nitro io1/io2
- Big data
- Data warehouses
- Log processing
What EBS volume type is this?
Throughput-oriented storage for data that is infrequently accessed
What EBS volume type is this?
What is EBS Multi Attach?
Attach the same EBS volume
to multiple EC2 instances
in the same AZ
- Achieve higher application availability in clustered Linux applications (Ex.Teradata)
- Applications must manage concurrent write operations
- Must use a file system that’s cluster-aware
EBS Multi-Attach - io1/io2 family
What are read permissions?
You can view the contents of a file
What are write permissions?
You can modify the contents of a file
i.e add new content or delete existing content
What type of impact does encryption have on latency?
EBS Encryption leverages keys from where?
KMS (AES-256)
Snapshots of encrypted volumes are what?
Copying an unencrypted snapshot allows what?
What does AES stand for?
Advanced Encryption Standard
A symmetrical block cipher (code) used by the American government to encrypt sensitive data
Used by individuals and corporations alike to lock away classified or otherwise valuable information.
What does KMS stand for?
Key Management Service
- Create an EBS snapshot of the volume
- Encrypt the EBS snapshot
- Create new EBS volume from the snapshot
- Attach the encrypted volume to the original instance.
What is this process called?
Encrypting an unencrypted EBS volume
What does EFS stand for?
Elastic File System
Managed NFS (network file system) that can be mounted on many EC2 instances
EFS works with EC2 instances in multi or single AZ?
EFS only works with what type of AMI?
Linux based AMI
(Blank) is for a network file system to be mounted across multiple instances
(Blank) is for a network volume that’s to be mounted only on one instance and it’s locked to one AZ
(Blank) is to get the maximum amount of IO onto an EC2 instance but it is something you’ll lose if you lose that instance (ephemeral drive)
Instance Store
Which is more expensive EFS or EBS?
EFS-IA (infrequent access) does what?
Enhances cost savings
How would you migrate EBS Volume to a different AZ?
EBS Snapshots
Which is deleted by default, the Root Volume type or the EBS Volume type?
Root Volume Type
(Blank) are built for specific AWS Region
Which of the EBS volume types can be used as boot volumes when you create an EC2 instance?
What storage mechanism provides the best disk I/O performance?
EC2 Instance Store
You are running a high-performance database that requires an IOPS of 310,000 for its underlying storage. What would you recommend?
Use an EC2 Instance Store