EC1A3.2 - Block 2 Individual Decision Making Flashcards
What is rationality?
Rationality - People decide what to do by weighing all of the known pros and cons of the different options and picking the best option.
What is equilibrium?
Equilibrium - A situation in which everyone is simultaneously optimising, i.e. when no individual thinks he/she has another course of available action that is better for them.
On a price-quantity graph, how is the demand function calculated?
The demand function results from the optimising behaviour of consumers.
On a price-quantity graph, how is the supply function calculated?
The supply function results from the optimising behaviour of companies/firms.
On a price-quantity graph, what is the equilibrium point?
The equilibrium point is such that the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied.
- No consumer would like to buy more.
- No supplier would want to produce more.
What is nash equilibrium?
Nash equilibrium is a concept within game theory where the optimal outcome of a game is where there is no incentive to deviate from the initial strategy.
Overall, an individual can receive no incremental benefit from changing actions, assuming other players remain constant in their strategies. A game may have multiple Nash equilibria or none at all.
Based on:
- Rationality
- Beliefs are correct
What are models?
Models simplify and abstract from reality to focus on the
most salient aspects of an issue.
- They leave out many things and distort others.
- They have assumptions and definitions from which we use logical argument to draw conclusions.
- Conclusions help us understand the economy and design policy.
What is important to remember about models?
Models can be very useful but can also be misleading…
- How suitable a model depends on the context in which it is being applied.
- Important to understand the limitations of models.
- To contrast the assumptions and conclusions of different models.
What are the primitives of a model?
The primitives of a model are the things that we assume about the “setting” and they do not change throughout the course of the analysis.
What is meant by a model of rationality?
- Primitives
a) A decision-maker (DM).
b) A set of m alternatives A={a,b,…}
c) A preference over the alternatives in A, ‘≽
- The DM is aware of all these alternatives
- The DM can freely choose one of these alternatives.
2. A preference over the alternatives in A, ‘≽’ Assumptions made A. Completeness: - For any two alternatives a and b in A, the relation ‘≽’ provides an answer along the lines: - “I prefer a over b”. - “I prefer b over a”. - “I am indifferent between a and b”. B. Transitivity: - For any three alternatives a,b and c in A, - If “I prefer a over b”. - And if “I prefer b over c”. - Then “I prefer a over c”. C. Continuity (Technical).
3 Solution concept (“how the play plays out”):
- Maximisation/optimisation
- The DM will choose an alternative a* in A such that there is no other alternative b in A such that “DM prefers b to a* ”.
What is the completeness of a model?
In the completeness of a model, we assume that the individual can always compare between any two choices in their set of possible choices.
What is meant by the transitivity of a model?
For example if a, b and c are real numbers and we know that a > b and b > c then it must follow that a > c . This property of the relation is called `transitivity’
What facts have to be satisfied to be represented as a utility function?
Fact: If ‘≽’ satisfies completeness, transitivity and continuity then it can be represented by a utility function so that for any a and b in A:
- “DM prefers a to b” if and only if U(a) > U(b)
When we use utility functions to represent preferences we can Maximise them to find the solution for the Decision Maker.
- First-order condition (FOC), second-order condition…
- By making assumptions (more assumptions!) on the utility function (concavity) we can just focus on FOC!
Assume that an individual’s preferences over bundles (x,y) are represented by the utility function U(x,y) = x + y.
TRUE OR FALSE Is this individual’s preferences also represented by U(x,y) = 4.5 × ( x + y )?
Correct: Suppose (x,y) ≻ (x’,y’) so we know that
x + y > x’ + y’ ⇔ 4.5 × ( x + y ) > 4.5 × ( x’ + y’ )!
More generally ⇔ 4.5 × ( x + y ) > 4.5 × ( x’ + y’ )! : If U(x,y) represents an individual’s preferences then any increasing function of U(x,y) also represents the individual’s preferences.c
Assume that an individual’s preferences over bundles (x,y) are represented by the utility function U(x,y) = x + y.
TRUE OR FALSE Is this individual’s preferences also represented by V(x,y) = 4x + 2y?
Wrong! Example,
- Under U(x,y), (1,4) ≻ (2,2.5) as 5 > 4.5, but…
- Under V(x,y), (2,2.5) ≻ (1,4) as 13 > 12, but…
How do we think about technology (production function)?
- The firm produces a single output (Q) using two inputs: labour (L) and capital (K).
- The flow of output produced is related to the flow of inputs by the production function.
q = q(l,k), where:
- q = output/unit time.
- l = people-days labour/unit time.
- k = (machine-days)/unit time.
q(l,k) is the highest number of units of output that can be produced, given current technology, when employing l units of labour and k units of capital.
- We say “q(l,k) is the efficient level of production when employing l units of labour and k units of capital.”
What do production functions look like (2 types)?
Two “famous” production functions we will use:
- Fixed coefficients production function (pedagogical).
- Labour and capital must always be used in fixed proportions to produce output.
- For example, 2 brewer hours and 1 brewing system hour to produce 1 pint of beer per hour.
- Thus, to produce a given level of output, specific amounts of each input will be needed, e.g. 10 brewer hours to produce 5 pints of beer, provided at least 5 brewing system hours in place. - Variable coefficients production function: increasing then diminishing marginal products.
- Form of production function underlying the standard theory of the firm has the following properties:
- ASSUMPTION 1: The marginal product of each factor first increases then decreases, but always remains positive.
- ASSUMPTION 2: The marginal product of a factor depends on the quantities used of all factors. (If k increases holding l constant, then MPL rises; if l increases holding k constant, then MPK rises. We say: l and k are cooperant factors).
What is the production function?
The production function relates to the maximum amount of output that can be obtained from a given number of inputs.
What is the total product curve?
The total product (TP) curve graphically explains a firm’s total output in the short run. It plots the total product as a function of the variable input, labour.
What is the marginal product of labour?
The marginal product of labour (MPL): By how much does output increase if we employ one more unit of labour?
What is the marginal product of capital?
The marginal product of capital (MPK): By how much does output increase if we employ one more unit of capital?
What are cooperant factors?
Cooperant factors, when you employ more capital then labour becomes more productive and when you employ more labour then capital becomes more productive. These factors are codependent.
What are returns to scale?
Returns to scale, in economics, the quantitative change in output of a firm or industry resulting from a proportionate increase in all inputs.
- If we increase all our inputs, labour, and capital by x%, by what percentage would output increase?
What are the 3 types of return to scale?
- Constant returns to scale: by x%
- Implication: Size of the plant does not matter. - Increasing returns to scale: by more than x%
- Implication: You want to increase your plant size. - Decreasing returns to scale: by less than x%
- Implication: You want to decrease your plant size.
What do we assume about returns to scale?
We assume:
- Production function displays first increasing and then decreasing returns to scale over different ranges of output.
- Implication: There is an efficient level of production!
What graphical methods can you use to plan of lowering costs in production?
You can use isoquants and cost lines.
What are isoquants?
- Isoquants are a way to graphically illustrate the production function q(l,k).
- It’s a curve that connects all the combinations of inputs (l,k) such that a given quantity of output q could efficiently be produced with.
- For any level of output q’ the isoquant will connect all the combinations (l,k) such that q(l,k) = q’. - Isoquants are analogous to indifference curves.
- Any level of utility u’ can be achieved by different combinations of consumption (x,y).
- The indifference curve for level of utility u’ connects all the points of consumption (x,y) such that u(x,y) = u’. - Isoquants are very similar.
- Any level of production q’ can be achieved by different combinations of inputs (l,k).
- The isoquant curve for level of output q’ connects all the points of employment (l,k) such that q(x,y) = q’.
What do the isoquants of a Fixed coefficients production function look like graphically?
Isoquants for q level of production are in terms of combinations of inputs (l,k). There are two lines perpendicular which show the isoquant at a point (acting almost linear.
What do the isoquants of a Variable coefficients production function look like graphically?
- Negative slope.
- Non-intersection.
- Coverage of (l,k) space.
- Convex to origin.
What does the slope of an isoquant at any point show?
The slope of an isoquant at any point shows the marginal rate of technical substitution (MRTS).
- MRTS is the answer to the question: “Suppose I want to keep producing the same level of output. Suppose I use one more unit of labour. How many units of capital can I forgo?”
What are isocost lines?
Isocost lines are the way to incorporate wages and the costs of capital into the figure. They are linear lines.
How can you find the least costly way to produce output?
To find the least costly way to produce output quantity Q0 find the lowest isocost line that still touches the isoquant for Q0.
What is the difference between accountants and economists when it comes to costs?
Economists and accountants look at costs differently.
An accountant will help you out to write reports for government, regulation authorities, security exchange…
An economist calculates costs with an eye to help make the best decisions!
What is the expression for the cost functions?
When two inputs (l, k) are used in production…
Total costs are: C = wl + rk
- w: wage rate
- r: capital’s rental price (or user cost)
- l: quantity of labour
- k: quantity of capital
What is the difference between the short-run costs and long-run costs in terms of inputs to the cost functions?
In the short run, at least one input is fixed (fixed factors), while in the long run, all inputs can vary (variable factors).
- Short-run costs
- Can make decisions only on some inputs in the production function (labour).
- Cannot produce in the most efficient way as the levels of some inputs are fixed.
- Payments on fixed inputs (capital) are called fixed costs.
- Fixed costs do not affect the decisions of firms in the short run. - Long-run costs
- Can make decisions about all inputs in the production function (labour and capital).
- Can produce in the most efficient way: minimum average costs.
- Decide on the optimal composition of inputs using isoquant and isocost lines.
What is the expression for TOTAL COST short-run cost functions?
The TOTAL COST Short-Run Cost Functions:
C(q) = F + wl(q)
- The total of the costs that are involved in producing q units of the good, fixed costs, and variable costs
- Follow convention, fix k (at some k0), the plant size.
- Rewrite total cost in the short run.
- F = rk0 = fixed costs
What is the expression for VARIABLE COSTS short-run cost functions?
The VARIABLE COSTS Short-Run Cost Functions:
V(q) = C – F = wl(q)
- The variable costs that are involved in producing q units of the good.
What is the expression for MARGINAL COSTS short-run cost functions?
The MARGINAL COSTS Short-Run Cost Functions:
MC(q) = dC/dq (differentiate Total Costs)
- Question: At a point of production q, what is the additional cost of producing one more unit?
- Answer: The marginal cost at q.
What is the expression for AVERAGE TOTAL COSTS short-run cost functions?
The AVERAGE TOTAL COSTS Short-Run Cost Functions:
ATC(q) = C/q (Total Costs divided by q)
- Question: At a point of production q, what is the average cost of producing each unit?
- Answer: The ATC at q.
What is the expression for AVERAGE VARIABLE COSTS short-run cost functions?
The AVERAGE VARIABLE COSTS Short-Run Cost Functions:
AVC(q) = (C - F)/q (Total Costs minus Fixed Costs all over q).
- Question: At a point of production q, what is the average variable cost of producing each unit?
- Answer: The AVC at q.
What happens when output is zero (q = 0)?
- At zero output (q = 0), total cost equals fixed cost, so C = F.
- At zero output, AC = ∞ and AVC = MC.
How do you know if AVC is falling, rising or constant?
- If MC < AVC, then AVC is falling.
- If MC > AVC, then AVC is rising.
- If MC = AVC, then AVC is constant and has reached its minimum point.
What are long-run cost functions?
- All inputs are variable in the long run, i.e. plant size (k) and labour (l) can be changed
- (Remember how to derive long-run total cost)?
- Isoquant and isocost lines
Another way to see the long-run total cost on the graph
- Recall there is one short-run total cost curve (SRTC) for each value of k.
- Plot all SRTC curves corresponding to all possible values of k, and define long-run total cost as the minimum cost at which any given level of output can be produced when all inputs can be varied.
What is a monopoly?
A market structure where there is only one company in the industry. Other companies are prevented from entering the industry by barriers to entry.
How does the simple monopoly model work?
A simple monopolist produces up to the point where the marginal revenue function meets the marginal cost function.
Chooses the quantity to produce, q
- Given q, the price is determined by the demand function/curve, P(q)
- Profit(q) = R(q) – C(q)
- R(q): revenue when selling a quantity q
- R(q) = P(q) × q
- C(q): cost of producing quantity q
The price at which a monopolist can sell its product depends on the quantity it brings to the market.
- The monopolist produces quantity q to maximise profit.
- The price it sells at is determined by the demand.
What is the revenue curve of a simple monopolist and why is it that shape?
The Revenue Curve is the shape of a semi-circle/downturned parabola.
To sell more output, the monopolist has to lower the price.
- Lowering price has two opposing effects on total revenue:
1. Increases how much you can sell, so the firm sells more (“marginal units”)
2. Reduces revenue on units you already sold (“infra-marginal units”)
What are the different degrees of monopolistic behaviours (Discriminating Monopolist)?
A simple monopoly where a firm charges a single price to all consumers
1. First degree (fully discriminating): can charge different prices to different people; based on willingness to pay.
- Second degree: sell different quantities of output at different prices, but everyone who buys the same amount of the commodity pays the same price; based on MR = MC in market for each quantity.
- Third degree: sell output to different consumer groups at different prices, but every unit of output sold to a given customer group sells for the same price; based on MR = MC in market for each group.
How do you calculate profit and revenue and the difference this means for price-takers and monopolies?
- Profit(q) = Revenue(q) – Cost(q)
- Revenue(q) = p × q
- Price-taker firm: Revenue(q) = p × q
- Monopoly: Revenue(q) = p(q) × q (Their quantity affects price).
How does the monopoly face the whole market demand?
Their quantity affects price, the greater the quantity the less demand.
How is the price-taker firms’ price affected by competitive firm’s demand?
More competition means that the demand that a small firm is facing is flatter and flatter!
In the limit, with perfect competition, the demand is completely flat, at some given price p.
What is the definition of exogenous and endogenous preferences?
Exogenous Preference - One that comes from outside the model and is unexplained by the model.
Endogenous Preference - Preferences then cannot be taken as given, but are affected by individual internal responses to the external state of affairs.
What is the maths behind maximising profits for the price taker (competition)?
MAX Profit(q) = p x q - C(q)
First-Order-Condition (FOC or first derivative) - d(pq - C(q))/dq = 0. Which will produce p = C’(q) which is also MARGINAL COST MC(q).
Second-Order-Condition (SOC or second derivative) - d^2(pq - C(q))/dqdq. In which -C’‘(q) < 0.
- You have to check the BORDER CONDITION if they produce nothing, so q = 0.
What is the maths behind maximising profits for the simple monopolists (monopoly)?
MAX Profit(q) = p(q) x q - C(q) (same as Profit(q) = R(q) - C(q))
First-Order-Condition (FOC or first derivative) - d(R(q) - C(q))/dq = 0. Which will produce R’(q) = C’(q) with C’(q) as the Marginal Cost MC(q) and R’(q) is Marginal Revenue MR(q). Equate MR(q) = MC(q).
Second-Order-Condition (SOC or second derivative) -
d^2(pq - C(q))/dqdq. In which R’‘(q) - C’‘(q) < 0.
- You have to check the BORDER CONDITION if they produce nothing, so q = 0.
What is Steering (search discrimination) in terms of price discrimination?
Steering (search discrimination)
- A search engine could differentiate the list of results shown to different categories of consumers, even though the consumers submitted the same search query (this practice is also known as “search discrimination”).
- Google could assign a higher search ranking to “cheaper” products for consumers oriented to “budget-conscious choices”, in comparison to the list of products shown to “more affluent” consumers.
What are decoys in terms of price discrimination?
Price Discrimination
- The platform could differentiate and individualise the product “decoys” presented to different categories of consumers.
- Apple could present a wider range of optional iPhone gadgets to “more affluent” consumers than to the “budget-conscious customers” when they enter Apple’s online shop since the latter category would be unlikely to buy additional devices besides the basic model of the product.
What is drip pricing in terms of price discrimination?
Drip pricing:
- The platform could mislead consumers by showing a low “starting price” for the product; a price to which the platform automatically adds additional charges before the purchase is finalised.
- Airline tickets, where the initial price is usually low to attract the attention of “budget-conscious consumers”, but additional charges are later added during the purchasing process (e.g. airport taxes, fuel charges, check-in luggage etc.).
What are re-offers in terms of price discrimination?
- The platform could exploit the time constraints and test the willpower of different consumers in order to personalise their treatment.
- Amazon or eBay: After having searched for a type of product without having concluded the purchase, the platform could contact the potential customer by re offering that product at a discounted rate.
What are fake special offers in terms of price discrimination?
Fake special offers:
- The platform could frame special “fake” offers for certain categories of consumers.
- Amazon or eBay: mention that the special offer is individualised and is available for a limited period of time only, while in reality, the “special” offer corresponds to the uniform price charged by the platform for the product.
- Less sophisticated consumers would be more likely to fall into this “trap” and accept the “special” offer of the platform.