EBWC Flashcards
Japanese Knotweed has been discovered within area D. What will be the remedy for this nuisance?
The remedy is to excavate 7 meters diameter from the centre point (2 meters past the growth) and to excavate 7 meters down. relocated and encapsulated in membrane 6 meters deep to the east of Treverbian lake
What are the four local site lakes?
Penhale Lake - far west of area D.
Great Treverbyn Lake - on area D south
Pentruff Lake - just below far east of area C’s Norman Pit)
Baal Lake -
What is a Mica Lake and where would you find it
Mica lake is the waste product of china clay production also known as Kaolin. There is a hazard of sinking like quick sand
What is Carluddon Tip/Sky Tip/ Great Treverbyn Tip
A spoil heap left to overgrow from the 300+ years of clay mining
Chairman and CEO of Orascom Development
26 in Forbes - Samih Sawiris is the youngest son of Egyptian construction magnate Onsi Sawiris. He heads Orascom Development building resorts in Egypt,Montenagro and Switzerland. Sawiris owns 10% of OCI N.V which was founded by his father, Onsi and is now run by his brothers Nassef and Naguib (bill)
2019 SS acquired Thomas Cook.
Chairman of Eco-Bos
Alex Yule-Smith became Managing Director at HSBC in London in 2003. In 2006 he joined J.P. Morgan Cazenove as Managing Director in the Equity Capital Markets department. In 2010 he took a position with Eco-Bos Development Ltd as Chairman
What is a Section 38 agreement
this is a section of the 1980 highways act to construct a new estate road which may be offered to the highway authority for the adoption as a public highway
Who are the architects
What is the problem with the guarantee provider
Premier Guarantee are currently trying to pull out of their structural warrantee contract however are continuing to take payment. High chance of a breaching contract obligations.
Where are sprinklers being fitted and why
Sprinklers are being fitted within the social housing which the Council are acquiring as a condition.
What is a section 106
This is negotiated between the developer and council to create new home schemes. Section 106 funding is paid by developers and is used on community infrastructure projects.
What is HIF funding
Housing Infrastructure Funding is a government capital grant programme of up to £2.3 billion designed to unlock sites with creating physical infrastructure making new land available
What is the plan for Norman pit?
The Norman pit will be utilised with
What is Jubbs involvement in the project
Jubbs are the
What is Marsupella profunda
Marsupella profunda (The Western Rustwort) is a rare species of moss (bryophyte species) only known to exist in the Clay mining area of Cornwall, Spain and Portugal. A 2014 survey revealed that the West Carclaze site featured the largest population of the moss ever to be documented in Britain.