EBS Flashcards
What is EBS?
“Elastic block store
an off-instance block storage service for use with EC2”
What are the volume types?
“General purpose SSD
Provisioned IOPS SSD
Throughput Optimized HDD
Cold HDD”
What is a snapshot?
A copy of an EBS instance at a specific time
EC2 instance store vs EBS
“instance stores are temporary data
EBS is for persistant data”
What is a DLM policy?
“Data Lifecycle Manager policy
Create snapshots of an instance or EBS at specified times in their lifecycle”
Common uses for a snapshot?
“Create an AMI
Create/restore an EBS volume
Share snapshot with another AWS account”
What is an EBS-optimized EC2 instance?
“AWS maintained AMI
an instance with dedicated capacity for Amazon EBS I/O”
In what way can your data be encrypted on an EBS volume?
“Data at rest inside the volume
data moving between the volumne and the instance
all snapshots created from the volume
All volumes created from those snapshots
*not all instances support encryption”
Copying and encryption rules
“You cannot disable encyption when copying a volume
You can add encryption when copying a volume
You cannot remove encryption from an encrypted snapshot”
What is the best EBS for databases?
Provisioned IOPS
What is the best EBS volume for streams?
Throughput optimized
What is RAID?
“Redundant array of inexpensive disks
RAID 0 stripes data accross multiple drives with worse reliability
RAID 1 provides redundency without a loss in performance
RAID 10 combines RAID 1 and 0”
What are the CloudWatch metrics for EBS Volumes?
"VolumeReadBytes/VolumeWriteBytes VolumeReadOps/VolumeWriteOps VolumeTotalReadTime/VolumeTotalWriteTime VolumeQueueLength VolumeThroughputPercentage VolumeConsumeReadWriteOps BurstBalance"
When can you configure an EBS volume?
Can only configure the Volume size after its creation.”
To what scope do volume snapshots belong?
“They are constrained to the region in which they are created
You may copy a snapshot and share it with another region”