EBS Flashcards
What is EBS?
Elastic Block Store - An EBS volume is a network drive you can attach to your instances while they run
Give some restrictions when using EBS
- Can only be mounted to one instance at a time
- Bound to a specific availability zone
- Have to provision the EBS volume capacity (size in GBs, IOPS (input/output per second)
How can you move an EBS volume across AZs?
Snapshot the volume in order for it to be moved across AZs.
What is the Delete on Termination attribute? Give one example when you would not want this enabled
If enabled, the EBS volume is deleted when an attached EC2 instances terminates.
(By default, the root EBS volume is deleted)
Example: Preserve the root volume when an instance is terminated by disabling this attribute.
Why would you move an EBS snapshot to an ‘archive tier’?
Archive is 75% cheaper
What is the EBS recycle bin?
Allows recovery of snapshots in the case of accidental deletion - rules can be set up to retain a deleted snapshot for a specified amount of time, 1 day to 1 year
What is FSR?
Fast Snapshot Restore - force full initialization of snapshot to have no latency on the first use. Expensive
What is an AMI?
Amazon Machine Image: a customization of an EC2 instance
What does creating an AMI allow for?
Allows you to add your own software, configuration, operating system, monitoring etc.
Allows for faster boot/configuration time as software is pre-packaged
What is an EC2 instance store?
A high-performance hardware disk attached to an EC2 instance
What are the advantages of an EC2 instance store over EBS?
Better I/O
What are the disadvantages of an EC2 instance store over EBS?
Instance Store loses its data if it is stopped (ephemeral)
Risk of loss of data if hardware fails
What is a use case for an EC2 Instance Store
Buffer/cache/scratch data/temporary content
What are the general purpose EBS volume types?
gp2/gp3 - general purpose SSD that give cost effect storage with low latency
What is the difference between gp2 and gp3?
With gp3 you can independently set IOPS and throughput, whereas with gp2 they are linked.