EBS 101 Flashcards
What is EBS?
Elastic Block Store is a virtual hard disk drive in the cloud.
What are the 5 types of EBS Storage?
- General Purpose (SSD)
- Provisioned IOPS (SSD)
- Throughput Optimized HDD
- Cold HDD
- EBS Magnetic
What is the use case for EBS General Purpose?
Most workloads. It balances performance and price.
What is the use case for EBS Provisioned IOPS?
Designed for databases, and other mission critical applications.
What is the use case for EBS Throughput Optimized?
Low cost HDD for throughput intensive workloads such as Big Data and Data Warehouses.
What is the use case for EBS Cold HDD?
Lowest cost HDD, designed for less frequently accessed workloads, such as File Servers.
What i the use case for EBS Magnetic?
Previous generation HDD for workloads where data is infrequently accessed.
What is the EBS gp2 Volume Type?
General Purpose SSD - gp2
What is the EBS io1 Volume Type?
Provisioned IOPS SSD - io1
What is the EBS st1 Volume Type?
Throughput Optimized HDD - st1
What is the EBS sc1 Volume Type?
Cold HDD - sc1
What is the EBS standard Volume Type?
EBS Magnetic - standard
What is Snapshot?
They are point int time copies of EBS volumes stored in S3. Snapshots are also incremental so only changes since the last snapshot will be moved to S3.
True or False: A Snapshot of an EBS Root volume must be taken while the volume is stopped.
False; while recommended that the volume be stopped, you can take snapshots while the instance is running.
When can you change an EBS volume size or storage type?
Changes to the size and/or storage can be made on the fly. However, these changes may take time, they are not immediate. Also, changing the volume size may require updating the OS on the root volume to use the newly allocated space.