EBM FINAL Flashcards
guidelines vs. protocols
o “guidelines are systematically developed statements to assist practitioner decisions about appropriate health care specific clinical circumstances”
o guidelines: allow room for professional judgment
o protocols: are explicit instructions used in specific, predictable circumstances and restrict judgment
takes away your professional judgment
what are some drawbacks of guidelines?
- reflect expert opinion, UNSOUND PRACTICE
- average rather than best practice
- inhibit INNOVATION and prevent individuality
- may not reflect LOCAL needs
- may not recognize PRIMARY care setting
- undesirable shifts in balance of power
- out of date guidelines might hold back implementation of NEW research
what are 3 ways to implement guidelines
- develop guidelines based on board medicine
- disseminate through educational intervention
- provide patient specific reminders at time of visit (Ex. yearly eye exams)
from book: internal development, specific educational intervention, and patient specific reminder
types of economical analyses
cost minimization
cost effectiveness
cost utility
cost benefit ratio
minimization: no outcome measure, compare brand name with generic (cheaper)
effectivness: compare two looking at ONE variable
cost utility: compare two looking at MULTIPLE variables
made up ratio!!
cost benefit ratio: MONEY:: buying new equipment ($$$)
how do we measure costs?
- questionaires (most common!)
2.Health state preference value: value which a healthy person places on a particular deterioration in health in a hypothetical situation - QALY: calculate: health state preference value x time patient is likely to be in that health state
.4. Cost consequences analysis: expresses outcomes in terms of natural units (e.g months of survival, legs amputated or babies going home
-allows individuals to assign their own values to differing interventions
-allows for health state preference values to change over time
continuous variable vs. discrete
continous: infinite variable
discrebe: whole
types of scales:
- ratio/interval
- ordinal
- nominal
- provides greatest amount of information (ratio:: weight)
- ordered
- gender, race, etc
distribution of sample pattern:
normal:symmetrical, bell shaped distribution of values where the mean represent the highest point of the curve and whose spread is defined by the standard deviation
• Skewed: asymmetrical distribution of values
- transforming skewer values into a normal distribution is sometimes possible by taking the log of the original values
- mean, median, mode more helpful here!
types of statistics:
• Quantitative
o parametric test: underlying assumption is the sample population(s) has a normal distribution ; based on the MEANS of the samples
o non-parametric test: make the assumption the sample population(s) is skewed ; basis of MEDIANS
• Qualitative: used to make a relative comparison
o ex. Ranking from high to low or likert scale
•Regression: a mathematical equation that allows the TARGET variable to be predicted from the INDEPENDENT variable. These relationships must be linear
o overall, their function is to describe the relationship between variables
o linear regression
relative strength of relationship
random chance
basic assumptions for PEARSON’S R
- normal distribute data
- 2 variable are independent of each other
- single pair of measurements on successive subjects
- every r should be accompanied by p==due to chance
reasons not to reject null (you WANT to reject it!)
o 1. there is no different between the groups in reality
o 2. there were too few subject to demonstrate such a difference existed
remember: Power, sample size is important
o 3. Logical flaw is the assumption for the cut-offs values as significant or not arbitrary when the reality is that values fall on a continuum.
Confidence intervals
the smaller=_____
the more precise, wider confidence intervals due to size and standard deviation
quality of pre-appraisal reports (low to HIGH)
studies: original journal articles, NOT PRE-APPRAISED
synthesis: systemic reviews for specialized services
summaries: textbook like guidelines
systems: computerized decision support;; ex compulink