Eating well makes your body well - Chapter 9 Lesson 1 Flashcards
Choosing the right kinds of food based on your body’s nutritional needs.
Good eating habit
Guide to choose what is right.
Shows the hierarchy of food groups and the importance of water intake, exercise, and proper hygiene.
Nutritional guide pyramid
The nutritional guide pyramid states the…
recommended number of servings per day
Recommended intake of fats and oils
6-8 tsps
Recommended intake of sugar/sweets
5-6 tsps
Recommended intake of fish, shellfish, meat, poultry, dried beans, and nuts.
2 1/2 servings
Recommended intake of eggs
1 piece
Recommended intake of milk and milk products
1 glass
Recommended intake of vegetables
3 servings
Recommended intake of fruits
3 servings
Recommended intake of rice, rice products, corn, root crops, bread, and noodles.
6-8 servings
Recommended intake of water/beverages
6-8 glasses
A nutrient without calories
Consuming enough water helps in the ________ and efficient ____________ in the body.
(1) proper digestion, (2) removal of wastes
This level is composed of carbohydrate-rich foods.
Third level, energy-giving foods
Supply the energy needed for any physical activity.
Carbohydrate-rich foods
Serves as anti-oxidants that help the body work properly.
The part of the plant that cannot be digested or absorbed.
Fiber is neither a ______ or an _______.
(1) nutrient, (2) energy source
The period when a lot of body changes occur.
These _____________ or the _____ level help maximize the growth potential of the person if given the right amount.
Body-building foods or the fifth level
Important in vitamin absorption and in immune system function, and they are also a source of energy.
A fatlike substance that can be consumed in food and can also be produced by the body.
What is the acronym of PDRI?
Philippine Dietary Reference Intakes
Plays an important role in sports performance.
Proper nutrition
Highly encouraged during exercise to avoid dehydration.
Proper hydration
Refers to the consumption of food not because of hunger but because of emotional distress or as a way to relive or cope with stress.
Emotional eating
This happens during social gatherings or celebrations
Social eating
This refers to the habit f eating while watching TV, wherein the viewer tends to eat more than what is necessary.
Distracted eating
4 types of eating
Fueling for performance, emotional eating, social eating, distracted eating.
It reflects your eating habits
A term used to emphasize the contribution of our behavior to the development of chronic diseases.
lifestyle-related disease
The reflection of the food that you eat
Condition of your body
Diseases related to the heart and blood vessels
Cardiovascular diseases
A serious, metabolic disease characterized by an increase in blood sugar level, which is associated with long-term damage and failure in organ functions.
This is defined ss a consistent elevations in mean arterial pressure.
This develops when cells unnecessarily and rapidly multiply, and they outgrow the number of normal cells.
This happens when there is an interruption or an insufficient supply of blood flowing to the brain, which is caused by ruptured or blocked blood vessels.