Eating & Feeding Disorder (ATI + Panopto) Flashcards
Self-induced restriction of nutritional intake leading to a significantly lower than normal body weight, accompanied by a distorted body image and fear of being fat =
Anorexia Nervosa
An eating disorder characterized by bingeing on large amounts of food, then purging, through self-induced vomiting, or abusing laxatives or diuretics, in an effort to prevent gaining weight from the binge-eating =
Bulimia Nervosa
Recurrent episodes of bingeing, accompanied by emotional distress =
Bingeing Disorder
An eating disorder characterized by a persistent failure to meet appropriate nutritional/energy needs, inflexible eating behaviors, and fear-based food restriction =
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
Obsession with proper or “healthful” eating, resulting in significant disturbance in adequate nutritional intake and weight loss =
An eating disorder where a person with type 1 diabetes reduces or stops taking their insulin to lose weight =
Consuming inedible objects, such as clay, dirt, or paint, and is more commonly exhibited by children =
The intentional regurgitation of food in a repetitive manner, then rechewing, reswallowing, or spitting it out =
Rumination Disorder
This dangerous illness involves self-induced starvation leading to weight loss that is drastically below the ideal target weight for height and developmental age =
Anorexia Nervosa
In some cases, clients may meet all of the criteria for anorexia nervosa, except for significant weight loss, and these manifestations are diagnosed as-
Atypical Anorexia
Clinical Manifestations of Anorexia Nervosa =
Thin, emaciated appearance
Hypotension, bradycardia, dysrhythmias
Fluid/electrolyte abnormalities: reduced sodium, chloride, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium
Anemia, neutropenia, hypoglycemia
Peripheral edema, acrocyanosis
Mottled or orange-yellowish skin cast
Dry skin, brittle hair and nails
Decayed or missing teeth
Muscle weakness
Decreased bone density
Gastrointestinal problems, loss of appetite, constipation
Decreased urinary output
Menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, or infertility
Fine, downy hair growth on the skin of individuals with anorexia nervosa =
Similar to anorexia nervosa, bulimia involves having a distorted body image and fear of gaining weight. However, persons with bulimia are usually at or near their ideal body weight =
Bulimia Nervosa
Consuming abnormally large amounts and high caloric intake of food in a short period of time =
Destructive compensatory behaviors, such as self-induced vomiting, laxative and diuretic misuse, or overexercising, used in effort to prevent weight gain =
Callouses and bruising on the knuckles resulting from self-induced vomiting by sticking one’s fingers down the throat =
Russel’s Sign
Russel’s Sign is an indicator of-
Like bulimia, this disorder involves repeated and rapid consumption of large amounts of food. However, it is not accompanied by purging behaviors to “undo” the binge =
Binge Eating Disorder
Name what these are indicators of:
Significantly underweight
Less than 85% of expected ideal target weight
BMI of 17.5 or less
Anorexia Nervosa
Name what these are indicators of:
Distorted body image
Perceives self as fat despite very thin appearance
Preoccupied with body weight, shape, and size
Anorexia Nervosa
Name what these are indicators of:
Severely restricted food intake and obsessed with calories
Strict eating rules and food rituals
Anorexia Nervosa
Name what these are indicators of:
Emaciated, skeletal appearance; hypotension; bradycardia; hypothermia; cold intolerance; lanugo; muscle weakness; decreased bone density; tooth decay; brittle hair and nails; pale or yellowish-orange tint to the skin; constipation; absence of menstrual cycle; fluid and electrolyte abnormalities; dehydration
Anorexia Nervosa
Name what these are indicators of:
Depression; anxiety; extreme fear of gaining weight; denial or minimization of the problem; low self-esteem
Anorexia Nervosa
Name what these are indicators of:
Impaired concentration; memory problems; obsessiveness; all-or-none thinking and other cognitive distortions; perfectionistic; negative self-talk
Anorexia Nervosa
Name what these are indicators of:
Socially withdrawn; impaired relationships; may refuse social events that involve food or eating in front of others
Anorexia Nervosa
Name what these are indicators of:
Eating disorder with a usually normal to overweight status
Bulimia Nervosa
Name what these are indicators of:
Body image distortion and dissatisfaction
Extreme concern with body weight, shape, and size
Bulimia Nervosa
Name what these are indicators of:
Binge episodes with consuming extreme amounts of food during a brief period followed by purging via self-induced vomiting, laxative, and/or diuretic misuse
Bulimia Nervosa
Name what these are indicators of:
Fluctuations in weight status; dental erosion; swollen parotid glands; oral, esophageal, gastric ulcerations; irregular bowel functioning; fluid and electrolyte abnormalities; dehydration; Russell’s sign
Bulimia Nervosa
Name what these are indicators of:
Depression; anxiety; feelings of guilt, shame, and embarrassment; low self-esteem
Bulimia Nervosa
Name what these are indicators of:
Poor attention and focus; impulsivity; obsessiveness; dysfunctional thought patterns and negative-self-talk
Bulimia Nervosa
Name what these are indicators of:
May be socially withdrawn; impaired relationships; secretive with bingeing/purging
Bulimia Nervosa
Name what these are indicators of:
Has an eating disorder, usually overweight but could be in normal weight range
Binge-Eating Disorder
Name what these are indicators of:
Body dissatisfaction
Extreme concern with body weight, shape, and size
Binge-Eating Disorder
Name what these are indicators of:
Binge episodes with consuming extreme amounts of food during a brief period
Binge-Eating Disorder
Name what these are indicators of:
Excessive weight gain; hypertension; elevated blood glucose; joint discomfort
Binge-Eating Disorder
Name what these are indicators of:
Depression; anxiety; feelings of guilt, shame, and embarrassment; low-self-esteem
Binge-Eating Disorder
Name what these are indicators of:
Global cognitive impairments; decreased inhibitory control; addictive style of thinking
Binge-Eating Disorder
Name what these are indicators of:
May be socially withdrawn and overly sensitive toward others; secretive with bingeing
Binge-Eating Disorder
This is a screening tool for eating disorders:
The SCOFF Questionnaire
What BMI is overweight?
Over 25
What BMI is underweight?
Less than 18.5
Usually a person with binge-eating disorder, will have binges how often?
At least once a week
Bulimia Nervosa is common for people who-
Are involved in competitive sports
People with Bulimia Nervosa are more at risk for -
Substance Abuse
What is Refeeding Syndrome?
This is whenever someone has Bulimia Nervosa so bad, that they have to be put into intensive care
(The patient can’t eat on their own again, they need to be slowly and meticulously reintroduced to food)
Newborns / Young Infants that don’t have a good relationship with their mother, so they aren’t growing and they’re behind on their growth charts =
Failure to thrive
A dangerous shift of fluids and electrolytes that occurs within the body when calories are reintroduced too quickly, which can result in heart failure and death =
Refeeding Syndrome