Eating Disorders Flashcards
Anorexia nervosa Ix
Exam: wt, height, lanugo hair, BP, squat test Bloods; -Low: ESR, Hb, Plt, WCC, Na, K, Ph, T4 - high: GH, cortisol, cholesterol, LFT ECG: brady, arrhythmia, prolonged QT DEXA: ?osteoporosis (>2y Hx) Rating scale: eating attitudes test NB up to 10% mortality
Conservative Mx anorexia nervosa
Psychoeduation (health and nutrition)
Treat comorbid psych illness
Nutritional management and weight restoration (0-5-1kg/wk, eating plan)
Motivational interviewing (engages ambivalent pts)
Interpersonal therapy
Psychotherapy anorexia nervosa 1st line
- addresses control low SE, perfectionism up 40 sessions (40 wks)
Specialist Supportive Clinical Management
- 20+ wkly sessions, explore main causes, offer education, and real life support
Maudsley AN Treatment for adults
- 20 sessions w/practitioner, helps pt understand cause
Offer any
Psychotherapy anorexia nervosa 2nd line
Eating disorder focused focal psychodynamic therapy
or Adolescent focused psychotherapy
Children w/anorexia nervosa
1st Line: family therapy
- some whole family, some separate
r/v 4wks after treatment, then every 3m
Medical Mx of anorexia nervosa
Important if phys. condition, rapid wt loss, BMI <13.5 Inpt. may be necessary if: BMI <13 or extremely rapid wt loss serious physical Cx high suicide risk mental health act for compulsory feeding
Refeeding syndrome?
Intracellular shift of ions from turning on CHO metabolism
LOW: Ph, Mg, K, thiamine, Na, water retention
Features: fatigue, weakness, confusion, high BP, seizure, arrhythmia, HF
Referral pathways for anorexia nervosa
SEVERE: urgent to CEDS (BMI <15, rapid wt loss, evidence of system failure)
Mod: routine referral CEDS (BMI 15-17, no evidence system failure)
Mild: monitor/support 8wks recommend help from BEAT, routine referral to CEDS if fails
(BMI >17, no aditional comorb)
PACES counselling AN
Morbid fear of fatness, reduced calorie intake, hormonal dysfunction, based on numbers not opinion
Risks: osteoporosis, infertility, arrythmia
Mx: CBT-ED, SSCM, MANTRA, Family therapy
- exploring thought processes, set plan
?medical therapy if depresssed
Support: BEAT
Bulimia Nervosa Ix + initial Mx
Exam: wt, height, lanugo hair, BP, squat test Bloods + UDS ECG Rating scale: Eating attitudes test Treat medical Cx ? Bulimia focused guided self help (if ineffective after 4wks, consider individual CBT) Children: family therapy SSRI: fluox Treat comorbidity
Referral for bulimia nervosa
Severe: urgent CEDS (daily purging, significant electrolyte imbalance, comorb.)
Moderate: Monitor/advise 8wks, recommend self help, consider SSRI, routine referral to CEDS if failure to respond (frequent binge and purge (>2/wk), no sig. electrolyte imbalance, some medical consequences eg chest pain
Mild: recommend self help, BEAT, monitor for 4m, routine referral CEDS if no improvement/worsening
Binge eating disorder
offer BED focussed self help
If unacceptable/ineffective after 4wk consider group CBT
if unacceptable/ineffective try individual CBT