Eat up 99 everyday English Phrases in less than a week Flashcards
make a fuss
complain about something (usually unimportant)
After work, I have to submit a report to my boss. I never want to forget it because if I do, she’ll definitely make a fuss about it and I don’t like her voice at all. In fact, nobody does.
bang for the buck
worth the money you spend
Mac Book is relatively expensive but it gives you more bang for the buck. I get more things done since I bought it. And you should consider buying it too, because if you don’t get your work done on time, your boss will make a fuss about it.
around the corner
coming up very soon.
The next IELTS exam is just around the corner. You study or you die. New Year is also around the corner too. You have to choose which one is your priority
hands down
simply too obvious and not worth arguing at all
Calgary is the best city in Canada to get rich, hands down.
Siro-A is the hands down the best performer in America’s Got Talent this year.
an advance notice, just to remind you something is coming so better be prepared
It’s easier to get an A or A+ in Canada than in Vietnam because professors usually give students a heads-up before the exams on what chapters to focus on. I feel like I get more bang for the buck.
big time!
used to stress the extreme (usually put at the end of the sentence)
I earned $3,000 from stock investing big time last week. However, yesterday’s market crash also made me lose, big time. To get more bang for the buck, I better do more research.
back to square one
back to the starting point (square one), usually as a result of a failure.
After loosing all my money int the stock market, my saving is now back to square one/ But still I believe stock market is hands down the best place to make some bucks.
pull off (pull it off)
successfully make something happen or accomplish something, succeed
I had a job interview last week and guess what, I pulled it off.
I just pulled of the $200,000 real estate deal with my client. Now I have money to spend.
pull an all nighter
do not sleep at all to do some-freaking-thing. most used by college students.
Even though I’m well-prepared, I still have to pull and all-nighter for the exam tomorrow. Coffee is ready. Hopefully I can pull it off.
goof off
waste time instead of studying of working
I don’t get it when Jim goof off all the time but still get an A+. He must have a secret sauce.
a rip-off
something unreasonably expensive
$1000 for an IELTS course? Definitely a rip-off. They’re obviously trying to rip you off. So you better stay away. You will not get any bang for the buck at all.
tie the knot
get married
I’m 23 this year and I’m gonna tie the know anytime soon. Getting married involves a lot of responsibility, both expected and unexpected. My friends, Jim and Lori, will tie the know this month and their wedding is just around the corner.
step up my game
try harder and make it better
I want to go back to stock investing to make some money. I’m aware that to make a nice return, I’ll have to stop goofing off to step up my game.
I’m buying it
Linh was always trying to convince me she saw an alien. At first, I was not buying it because her story was so sketchy. But then I saw it with my own eyes and I have to believe in it. I’m buying it.
hold onto your hat!
be ready to hear something surprising.
Hi everybody, I got some good news. Please hold onto your hat. I finally have a girlfriend!
screw it
whatever happens, I don’t care.
In teamwork, people often slack off. That really annoys me sometimes. But you know what, screw it. I’ll just do my part and I’ll pull an all-nighter as usual.
crunch time
busy period of time when everyone has to work hard.
The tax season is just around the corner. In Canada, it’s between March and April. It’s crunch time for accountants to file tax for their clients.
what’s the catch?
it sounds weird. what’s the reason behind it?
AT$T is giving away free iPhone. Really? So what’s the catch? You have to sign a 2-year contract with them costing you around $70 every month.
recoup (v)
recover what you have lost
I lost $3,000 in stock market last week. Yesterday, I earned $4,000. I have not only recouped the money but made a profit after all.
fit into the picture
fit with the overall plan
Having a job is important. But having the job that is not related to what you study doesn’t fit into the picture. And of course, doesn’t give you more bang for the buck after all.
I wasn’t born yesterday
Come on, I’m not stupid.
One of my friends suddenly called me for the first time after 3 years and said he had a business opportunity that could help me ear several thousands dollars per day without working. Come on, I wasn’t born yesterday.
up and running
active, actively working, functioning
My iPhone 4 is so slow and isn’t working sometimes. I may have to reset it to get it up and running again.
I love when I see my money-counting machine always up and running.
practical (experience)
Working gives you hands-on experience so you can be up and running for the job right after graduation.
on my toes
be really ready, alert, attentive, focused
Whenever my boss is around, all employees are always on their toes. They don’t want to mess up or she may make a fuss about it.
Listen, Attention
Kien: You are not so smart, Jim.
Jim: Kien, look, do you think you are?
Out of hand
out of control, unable to control
Greece’s national debt is getting out of hand as the government is hands down unable to pay its debt.
day in day out
Every day (used to emphasize)
I don’t know why I study IELTS day in day out but still cannot get above 7?
pave the way
make it easier to do the next things
Getting the IELTS certificate can pave the way for your dream of studying abroad. You’ll need to study day in day out to get your English up and running. And of course, step up your game.
I’ve been there.
been there, done that
I’ve experienced that. I did that, so I know.
Your parents don’t allow you to get married and you’re sad? I’ve been there. I know how it feel. Wanna catch a movie?
It slipped my mind
I forgot it.
I already submitted my Marketing assignment via email to my professor. However, it totally slipped my mind since I did not attach the file to the email.
in no time
instantly (well, almost)
Many people believe attending IELTS classes can get them IELTS 7.0 in no time. But I believe that to step up their games, they have to stop goofing off and start hitting the book.
Not so fast
don’t be so eager believing in something just yet, slow down a bit.
After you’ve done school, you think you can have freedom? Not so fast, face your boss at work and you will see how some freedom really looks like.
on the verge of = on the edge of
very close to (often negative)
Greece is on the verge of default if it cannot pay its debt on time.
I’m on the verge of failing the IELTS test because I didn’t put enough effort on studying
go bananas
be wild, lose control
Lena totally went bananas when students asked her about the class schedule.
psyched up
ready and excited
After reading Kien Tran’s handbook, many are psyched up for the next big challenges
something that is extremely easy to do or too obvious.
Hacking the US government’s website is a challenge to me but is a no-brainer to some famous hackers.
cut and dry
too obvious and clear, no further explanations required.
I don’t know why I failed so many times just to make a cake although the instructions are very cut and dry. I’m going to go bananas.
tag along
to follow or go with someone.
Linh is going to catch a movie later today and I really want to tag along if she doesn’t mind. But I’m pretty sure that she will be happy if I do so.
say bad thing about
If you don’t like someone, just ignore him or her. It’s not a good idea to bad-mouth other people.
Pump iron
lift weight (in the gym)
after work, I have no energy left to pump some iron, But I used to pump iron in the gym all the time.
on fire
doing so great that nobody is able to stop him or her
My friend’s totally on fire after she read my IELTS handbook. She is doing so much better than anyone else now and looks like she’s not gonna stop. She told me she got psyched up every time after reading that handbook.
leave me high and dry
leave me alone to do all the work, no help at all
I got a bad experience with my professor when she left me high and dry with all the new learning materials that she never explained in class. Let’s face it, those are not really cut and dry for me (or anyone) to self-study. And I think I’m on the verge of failing her class.
turn me off
disappoint, disgust
I kinda like the guy named Blank, but the fact that he never takes the shower really turns me off.
make ends meet
earn just enough money to pay the bills (expense) and there is almost no money left after that
If you are earning $50,000 per year, well, you’re good. But if you only earn roughly$30,000 you may just make ends meet. If you only earn less than that, you’re on the verge of poverty.
money talks
money can make your problems go away
In Vietnam, whenever you get caught by the police, just remember Money talks.It also works for hospital, or even in school. You want to get high marks? Well, money talks.
those who come earliest (than expected)
Parking fee for early birds is $10 per hour. Regular fee is $5. Unless you really need to, don’t come to early. It’s a rip-off, I know.
check again to make sure
Before going to the CFA testing center, you should double-check to make sure you don’t forget the financial calculator. Otherwise, the consequence would be catastrophic. If you can, have someone tag along with you to make sure everything’s right.
on the same page
see eye to eye
on the same wavelength
seeing thing the same way, in agreement
After figuring out that my friend is also a stock trader, I know that we are on the same page. He knows what I know and vice versa. We can work extremely well with each other.
in the same boat
in the same trouble, have the same problem or situation
After figuring out that Linh was ripped off when she paid $3,000 for an useless bike, I felt like we’re in the same boat as I also paid around $4,000 for a made-in-China bike. We had the same situation.
get down to business
not talking about something else, just talking and doing business
Get psyched up and get down to business because everything is now cut and dry. We need to work hard to step up our game.
get off the ground
start successfully
Let’s get down to business. I want our business to get off the ground so we can earn at least $5,000 a month.
get on my nerves
My brother gets on my nerves sometimes when he says inappropriate stuff in public and I usually make a fuss about it.
screw up
cannot handle a situation properly, mess up
If you still goof off, you’ll screw up in the exam. So better pull an all-nighter to review all chapters so you can pump up some grades.
fill me in
tell me more (about stuff I’ve missed)
I was sleeping during class so my classmate had to fill me in after we got home, And she told me that there was nothing special. The professor just wanted to give us a heads-up on some new special events.
filthy rich
super rich
Doctors and lawyers make around $200 per hour. They’re hands down filthy rich, But before getting there, they definitely have to study day in day out.
do you follow me?
do you understand what I’ve said so far?
After reading all the idioms and phrases, do you still follow me?
Yes? Good, we should continue. And step up your games.
for good
If you win the lottery, do you think you will change your life big time for good?
Not so fast, many people get poorer after spending all the money. They can’t even make ends meet.
free stuff
People who are just making ends meet tend to seek freebie. Some freebies are worthless. But some of them do give people bang for the buck.
watch out
be cautious
Canada’s GDP is lowing down and could be on the verge of a recession
a significant decline in activity across the economy lasting longer than a few months.
weed out
get rid off, remove
It’s easy to get through Accounting Basic. But the Advanced Accounting course is really the one that weeds out lots of lazy students who goof off all the time.
well taken
true, significant
Practice always leads to success is such a well taken statement. I’m really buying it.
got it all planned out
ready, planned out, prepared
I have done all the preparation for the company project and gotten it all planned out. All the key points will never slip my mind again.
hit the hay/sack
go to bed
how it plays out
how it happens
I quite like the girl next door and I decided to talk to her tomorrow. I don’t know what will happen, so let’s see how it plays out, I guess. I will have to be constantly on my toes.
in a bit
in a short moment
I’m busy making this ebook now so I’ll talk to you in a bit. It’s crunch time for me. This book will be up and running very shortly.
in a flash
very quickly, in no time
In stock market, you can make a few thousands in a flash. Or you can lose the same in no time. Things sometimes get out of hand for even most sophisticated traders.
in deep shit
in big trouble
Lena was in deep shit last week that everyone wanted a piece of her. She doesn’t seem to apologize. Let’s see how it plays out.
Yeah, no shit
yeah, obviously
$50 for a bowl of Pho is a rip-off.
Yeah, no shit!
in mint condition
in very good condition (stuff)
My iPhone 4 is 4 years old now and it still in mint condition. So what’s the catch? I don’t have to spend money to change cellphone.
in the long haul
in the long run
In the long haul, pumping iron day in day out will make you a model.
keep it up!
continue doing the good work!
Hey Nigahiga, you’re hands down the best Youtuber. Please keep it up!
know the ropes
have the skill and experience
If you happen to be in Toronto, call me right away and I’ll show you around. I know the ropes. What’s the catch? You have to be my friend!
Clam up
say nothing
Whenever my friends ask me if I have a girlfriend, I tend to clam up. Maybe I need to pump some iron to step up my game.
cry over spilt milk
complain about something unfortunate happened and cannot be changed
One problem many people have is crying over spilt milk. I know it’s a no-brainer to say but you cannot change the past so why bother?
rock-bottom price
lowest possible price, can’t be lower
The rock-bottom price for this car is $2,000. Take it or leave it?
tough call
a situation where it’s difficult to make a decision or to judge
It’s a tough call for America’s Got Talent judges to choodse between 2 best performers. They don’t want to weed out any talent. Getting through this round can definitely pave the way for the success.
your guess is as good as mine
I have no idea either
Linh asked me how to pull off the magic trick like in TV and I honestly had no idea. Her guess is as good as mine.
once in a blue moon
very rarely
$30 is the rock-bottom price of this shirt and it only happens once in a blue moon. You have to buy it or it’ll be all gone in no time.
fair and square
very fair
In Canada there’r no cheating and plagiarism. That keeps the system fair and square. Everyone has the motivation to work hard and really study. Many has to pull and all-nighter everyday because they don’t want the courses to weed them out.
spring for
pay for
I’ll spring for the telephone bill next week because right now I don’t have money. My finance is now back to square one since I lost the money. I can recoup my money.
in a blink of an eye
super fast
Whenever there are freebies, they tend to be gone within a blink of an eye
nail it down
finish it
the due date for your IELTS exam is just around the corner. Step up your game and try your best to nail down all the mock tests.
mock test, mock exam
an examination
mock test, mock exam
an examination
neck and neck
side by side, same speed
The presidential election is just around the corner and two candidates seem to be running neck and neck as they are rated equally.
out of the wood
out of danger
After the exam, people tend to think they’re out of the woods. But the new semester is coming and we don’t know what’s gonna happen. Let’s see how it plays out.
nest eggs
money for retirement
If you put 10%of your income into your nest eggs and earn compound interest, you may not filthy rich but you won’t have to make ends meet when you retire.
inexpensive, no luxury, just basic
It doesn’t fit into the picture when some filthy rich guys driving no-frills cars.
I’m not just saying that
I’m serious
I bought a no-frills backpack last week and I think I pull of the best deal because it’s in mint condition. I love my life and I’m not just saying that. Do you follow me?
no questions asked
Do you want a credit card? Just give us your student ID and we’ll sign up for you, no questions asked. And we’re not just saying that.
There’s no truth to it
create a credit card with just a student ID and no question asked? Come on, it’s a scam. There’s no truth to it. I wasn’t born yesterday.
a slim chance
very unlikely to happen
there is a slim chance Kien will be the next president. If that happens, then we all clam up.
a steal
a bargain, something ridiculously underpriced
$5 for a printer is a steal. But there’s a very slim chance that you will find a good one. Double check everything before you make the final decision.
all ears
listening carefully
Whenever Obama says anything people are all ears. He really pulls of his charisma and makes people like him.
down the road
in the future
1 year down the road Obama will leave the White House. let’s see how it plays out.
play it safe
stay careful and not taking any chance
Old people tend to play it safe with their money. they don’t want to risk losing the value of their nest egg because if something bad happen, it’ll take long for them to recoup all the lost money.
politically correct
appropriate (words)
Saying “I don’t care” is politically correct. Saying “I don’t give ain shit” isn’t. Be careful with your word use and I’m not just saying that.
pop up
show up, appear
The name Donald Trump pops up quite often recently because he’s running for the president of the USA. I like him because he’s taking risk and not playing it safe.
psyched out
lose confident
My boss is making a fuss over a new employee, making him psyched out. Everybody’s on their toes.
fuss over
care too much for, pay too much attention to
Linh just bought a new expensive phone and she’s fussing over it day in day out.
shed (or throw or cast) light on
help to explain (something) by providing further information about it.
After watching season 2 of the famous Dark series, still no one could shed a light on what happened at Winden.