Easter Flashcards
How do christians celebrate easter?
Lent is a 40 day period from ash wednesday - catholics see lent as fasting n praying so they fast during lent - other christians abstain from a particular luxury during lent
Palm Sunday
Commemorates the day of Jesus’ last supper with his disciples
Maundy Thursday
Commemorate the day of jesus’ last supper w his disciples - christians receive the eucharist on this day
Good Friday
Remembers jesus’ death on the cross - christians reflect on the meaning of his suffering n death
Easter Sunday
Remembers his resurrection- gives eggs to symbolise it
Why is Easter important for Christians?
Eggs - (e) commemorates the death and resurrection of jesus and the start of the christian religion -
(g) reveals god’s love for the world because he sent jesus to die for humanity -
(g) jesus’ resurrection over death gives christians hope -
(s) jesus death paid the price for human sin
Other points of view
Quakers don’t celebrate easter as they believe every day is holy - Jehovah’s witnesses believe that these celebrations are rooted in paganism and jesus only told his disciples to commemorate his death not resurrection