East Asia Flashcards
What is irrigate
Water transportation
What is Civlilization
A construct of many sentients in an area
What is an emperor
The dark lord of the sith
What is a dynasty
A family of royalty
What is migration
To go from one place to another
What is a clan
A small tribe of people
What is cultural diffusion
A diffusion of cultures
What is communism
The form of government where everyone gets”equal” amounts of money
What is the Great Wall of china
The wall built around China to stop invaders (Gangus khan)
What is a commune
A small group of people sharing a common life.
What is a dialect
A variation of a language characteristic of a group of people. Ex. Southern drawl, valley girl etc.
What is a nomad
A nomad is a person who travels
What is homogenous
Similar members of a group
What is radical
What is a robot
A type of machine (I Am C-3PO, human cyborg relations, and this is my counterpart, R2-D2.)
What is subsidize
To economically support.
What is discrimination
To disrespect a certain group of people.
What is a famine
A disease on a food.
Who was Confucius
The wise man, who led confusism
Who was Matthew Perry?
A commander who got Japan to open their trade system
What is the Middle Kingdom
China’s name in ancient times
What is a free enterprise?
An economic system where people are allowed to choose their jobs
Who was Mao
The person who introduced communism to china.
What is the red guard
Rebelling Chinese students
What is Taiwan
A country nearby japan
What is Seoul
South Korea’s capital
What is a demilitarized zone
A place with no millatary