Easements Flashcards
Easement in General
An easement is:
1. Grant of nonpossessory interest that
2. Entitles holder to use or enjoyment of
3. Another’s land
Presumed to be of perpetual duration unless expressly limited
Affirmative Easement
Nonpossessory right to go on and do something
Easement Appurtenant
Benefits holder in physical use or enjoyment of his own land.
Dominant and Servient parcel
Passes automatically with transfer of benefited land. All subsequent owners entitled to benefit.
Burden automatically passes unless BFP without notice.
Failure to record does not affect validity.
Implied Easement
Implied from existing use
Use must be apparent.
Parties must have expected it to survive division because it was necessary to dominant use and enjoyment
Termination of Easement
Estoppel - servient change in position based on assurances no longer being enforced
Necessity - no more, purpose for it ends
Condemnation - by eminent domain
Release - in writing by servient
Abandonment - physical action showing intent. Nonuse not enough
Merger - servient estate must be = or > dominant
Prescription - servient owner COAH interference
Methods of Creating an Easement
Prescription (COAH)