be smart at rocks n shit
Earth science
ollective name for all sciences that seek to understand earth and its neighboring space
Earth science requires an understanding of physics, chemistry, and biology, but sciences such as geology seek to expand this knowledge
examines earth, from composition and the changes it has gone or undergoes
There are different types of geology such as physical (examines materials that make up earth and understand the process beneath) and historical geology (understand the development of earth)
the study of the ocean and oceanic phenomena
study of the atmosphere and atmospheric phenomena (weather and climate)
study of the universe including other celestial bodies and all that
Geologic time
span of time since the formation of earth 4.54 Billion years ago!
a tentative explanation that is tested to determine if valid
Best to formulate more than one inorder to test multiple hypotheses, and mfs will always try and come up with alternative hypotheses
If a hypothesis cannot be tested than it is not considered scientifically useful NO MATTER HOW COOL IT SOUNDS
a well-tested and widely accepted view that explains certain observable facts
A theory is different from a hypothesis because it has been tested repetitively and is always right, like gravity
Nebular theory
the basic idea that the sun and the planets formed from the same cloud of gas and dust in interstellar space
Basically that our solar system evolved from a rotating cloud of gas and dust called a nebula cloud formed by the beautiful dead stars
Earth system:
earth viewed as a dynamic system of moving parts including the geosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere
water portion of our planet
the gaseous portion of the planet mostly like air and shit
all of life on earth everything, like even air bacteria
solid earth
The geosphere also contains the crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core
he smallest part of earths layers, but it’s where we all live,
2900 kilometers thick and lies under the crust
outer core
made out of liquid metals from the center
The outer core also goes through a process where the cooled metal goes down and the hot metal rises and crated movement under the earth
Inner core
solid hot ass metal that holds so much fucking heat from the sinking of heavy metals
rigid outer layer of earth including the crust and upper mantle
below lithosphere and contains weak material that ranged from 100 kilometers to 700 kilometers and can easily be deformed
Oceanic basins
deep submarine region that lies beyond continental margins
Average depth of ocean floor is 3.8 kilometers below sea level
are small,
rocky, bodies that
lie in a main “belt” in a main “belt”
between Mars and between Mars and Jupiter 300,000 known
a large,
glowing ball of gas that glowing ball of gas that’s held together by it is held together by its
own gravity and
generates heat and light
through nuclear fusion
Our Sun is a star
Planets cancan be
rocky, gaseous or icy in composition
there are 8 planets in our solar system
mercury, Venus , earth, mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
terrestrial planets
small rocky plants (mercury, Venus, earth, mars)
Jovian planets
large hydrogen rich planets
(Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)
group of 200-400 billion stars clustered together by gravity
local group
50 galaxies that we are a part of
our local group is part of a sevral thousand local groups cocntraing 10 to the 16th stars
crab nebula
expanding ruminants of a stars supernova explosion
around 4.7 bya the nebular cloud collapsed in on itself due to gravity
small bodies that are not planets but not asteroids
repeated collisions between solid particles in disc
nebular theory
our universe was formed 4.54 billions years ago do to our nebular gas cloud
gravitational separation
the heavier elements (iron and nickel) sink into the center of planet
1st law of thermodynamics
energy cannot be created or destroyed
2nd law of thermodynamics
heat always flows from hot objects to cold objects
geothermal energy
internal heat from core
chemical compound
bonded atoms
naturally occurring, inorganic solid that has a definite chemical composition and an orderly internal structure of atoms (crystaline)
naturally occurring substance that resemble minerals, but have organic origins such as pearls and amber
native element
occur in pure form (like gold)
how do minerals grow
best packing arrangement that uses the least amount of energy creatine a crystalline organized shape
materials that lack crystal structure
contains tiny crystals that are visible only though microscope
naturally occurring solid mass of mineral or mineral like matter
whats NOT a rock buy you think it is
concrete, porcelain, plastic, streel. tar. natural gases like oil n shit
igneous rocks
formed when lava or magma cools and hardens
sedimentary rocks
formed in two ways, 1)loose pieces of pre existing rock or 2) precipitation from dissolved chemicals in seawater due to physical or biological processes
metamorphic rock
pre-existing rocks that undergo a physical change due to intense heat and pressure
molten material inside earth
intrusive rocks
igneous rocks inside earth that are formed through magma
molten mineral that is ejected onto the surface via a vent