Earth's Formation and Structure Flashcards
big bang
current theory of the dispersal of matter and energy in the universe is the big bang
oceanic crust
the denser crust under oceans
Silicon and magnesium, more dense
Less dense, silicon and aluminium
The boundary between the crust and the mantle
ultra basic in composition, olivine, pyroxene, rock under the mantle. Includes the lithosphere and asthenosphere.
solid outer layer, 100kms vertically, crust and the upper mantle
denser, weaker layer beneath lithospheric mantle, high temperature and pressure makes this area molten and ductile (bendy)
Inner core
solid Fe, inner core immense pressure (weight of the planet and atmosphere) prevents the iron form melting. Pressure and density are too much for a liquid state
Outer core
liquid Ni and Fe, violent convection creates the earths magnetic field
primary waves
faster and earlier than s waves. Can go through solids and liquids (rarefaction), travels like soundwaves, compression in the direction of energy, rarefaction through core. Shadow zone (103-150)
secondary waves
don’t travel through liquids, perpendicular (right angles), stops through the outer core because it’s liquid (103-1030
L waves
surface waves, back and forth
shadow zones
area of the Earth’s surface where seismographs cannot detect an Earthquake after the waves have passed through the earth
age of the earth
4.5 billion years ago
space debris that collide earth at great speeds (they burn up). Leftover from the solar system formation
meteorites - evidence
scientists can measure isotopes in them provide a starting point to the earth’s composition. Compared with the oldest rock - found the chemical composition had already been altered. Crust has already formed on the Earth.
magnetic fields
the magnetic field shields our earth form charged particles of solar wind. Only exists due to convection of the liquid outer Fe core
direct drilling
Kola Borehole in Russia, 1262Km into the crust, only 1/3 through the crust
Mine (deepest)
Mponeng Gold mine in south Africa. 4Km deep, so hot (60C) unbearable heat, ice and salt and fans
An atmosphere is the layers of gases surrounding a planet or other celestial body. Earth’s atmosphere is composed of about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and one percent other gases.
Outgassing is the release of trapped gas or vapor that was previously dissolved, trapped, frozen, or absorbed in the solid. Outgassing can include sublimation and evaporation which are phase transitions of a substance into a gas, as well as desorption
contains clouds, stroms and temperature, varies in thickness from 18km (at equator) to 8km (poles)
Temp decreases with altitude
Commercial jet planes here to aviod weather systems, 30-40km thick and contains a layer within it with a high concentration of ozone. Gases become thinner but temperatures rise