Ears Flashcards
Set high, triangular in shape, relatively large and rather short, (drawn forward, the tip of the ear reaches the stop). Partially covered with wavy hair, especially in the upper part, the extremity being covered by short hair. Always quite mobile when the dog is attentive or in action.
Ears are to be small, set well up on the head, hanging loosely, and of medium leather.
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Large, vine leaf shaped, well covered with straight hair. Hanging slightly forward, feather not to extend below leather.
Clumber Spaniel
Lobular, long, of fine leather, well feathered and placed no higher than a line to the lower part of the eye.
Cocker Spaniel (American)
Rather small, set slightly above level of eye; lying close to head, covered with small curls.
Curly Coated Retriever
Triangular; rounded at the tips, medium-sized and carried in a dropped fashion. They are set high and well back on the skull, with the base held very slightly erect so that the edge of the ear is carried to the side of the head. They are well feathered at and behind the fold, with short hair at the tips.
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Broad and set high, lying flat and close to the head, with a rounded tip. Hair on the ears should be long, extending beyond the tip.
Large Munsterlander
Moderately long and wide, set low and well feathered.
Field Spaniel
Small and well set on, close to side of head.
Flat Coated Retriever
The ears are set on at medium height, a little backwards. He has fine leathers, which hang closely to the cheeks and end in a rounded V shape. The length is about three-quarters of the length of the head.
Hungarian Vizsla
Set on at medium height, a little backwards, hanging closely to the cheeks, ending in a rounded V shape. Slightly shorter than those of the short haired variety’s.
Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla
Long oval-shaped; set low, hanging close to cheeks
Irish Water Spaniel
Pendulous, triangular, slightly rounded at the tip, pliable and fine. Covered with dense hair mixed with longer, scattered hairs, which become thicker at the edges. Carried low with little erectile power. Forward edge touching cheek. Set on level with corner of eye, long, but not more than 5 cms below throat line.
Italian Spinone
Not large or heavy, hanging close to head and set rather far back.
Labrador retriever
Set at medium height, triangular and drooping.
Spanish Water Dog