Early Settlement - 1835-62 Flashcards
How many states existed in 1835
What is it like in the plateaux region
Mainly desert, water can be trapped here, this lead to the forming of the Great Salt Lake
What is it like to live on the plains
Huge, Flat areas of grass
What is it like in the rocky mountains and the Appalachian mountains
Areas created with little rain, droughts but heavy snowy winters
How many horses did the Sioux own
What were the goods of horses to Indians
travel the plains, hunt buffalo on them, battles
What were the plains Indians opinion on land
not bought or owned or sold by anyone
How was respect gained in the plains Indians culture
fighting other tribes
What was heavily ingrained in Indian culture
Who would farm in indian culture
Who would collect food in indian culture
Who would hunt buffalo and who would make them into food
Men hunt, Women make into food
What were buffalo bones used for
tools and weaponary
what were buffalo sinews used for
making ropes and bow strings
What were buffalo skins used for
Wool, clothing, shoes, harnesses and tipis
what was the buffalo bladder used for
food bags
Why were Indians nomadic on the plains
So they could follow the buffalo herds
What did Indians see the buffalo as from god
a great gift
What did Indians do with the buffalo heart
Cut out and left to create new life, sometimes eaten to give power of the buffalo
What was a tipi
a house hat could be dismantled and taken somewhere else
Who was a tipi ideal for
nomadic indians
Who owned the tipis and made/dismanteled them
How many tipis were there per family
How long did a tipi take to dimantle
10 minutes
What did the Sioux do on their tipis to show bravery
they made geometric patterns on them
What material was used onto tipis to make them warmer in the winter
Why were there 2 ears on the top of the tipis
to allow fire from cooking to exit the home
How many buffalo skins were used to make a tipi
finish the sentence: A frame of _______ poles arranged in a ______ made tipi
wooden, circle
What was another name for the Great Spirit
Wakan Tanka
Where were spirits found
in all living things
What shape was very important to the indians
Why was high land important to the indians
they were closer to the spirit world
What land was very sacred to the Sioux and why was it important to them
The black hills of Dakota, because they believe that was where they originated
Why were tipis round
important shape to Indians being the circle
How did Indians contact the spirit world
through vision
How did indian boys gain their adult names
They went to a sweat lodge, a tipi where air was heated, pray and fast for a days. They then contacted the spirit world and the name they saw was their name
Why were dances important to the indians
they believed it was a way of reaching the spirit world
What was another name for a medicine man to Indians
What were Indians attitudes to land
They were part of land, land could not be owned by one person
What was the Sun Dance
Most important ceremony of the year, Fasted for 8 days and then danced, skewers attached to skin until ripped off, contacting spirits through vision
Who competed the sun dance
Why would Indians go to war
Hatred of enemies, Steal resources (horses), Give people bravery an increase status
How big were attacks
small scalled (rarely large scalled)
What time of year were attacks
What was the warrior brotherhood
A group in the tribe who trained youths to become warriors in tribal army
What was most important to Indians in war:
Running back when nearly defeated
Trying to kill everyone but die
Running back to safety
What was scalping
Removing the scalp of your worst enemy to prevent their spirit reaching the happy hunting grounds
What was heaven called to indians
Happy Hunting Grounds
what were scalps used for
What was the most common weapon to Indians
Bow and arrows
What wepons were made from buffalo hide
Spears, War clubs, knives, shields
What was a tomahawk
a light weight axe
Why was it hard to use a musket in wars
difficult on horsebacks
What was buffalo dung used for
What was buffalo tough used for
a hairbrush
When was the economic deppression
Why did people want to leave the east (Push Factors)
Overcrowding, Crops dying, Food dying, Cost of living increasing, Lack of jobs
Why did people want to travel to the west (Pull Factors)
Fruit Everywhere, Oregon good for farming, Rumours of paradise, Gold
Who is Joseph Smith
Founder of the Mormons
What did he claim happened to Joseph Smith at night
god/angels met him
Which angel met Joseph Smith one night
Angel of Moroni
Where did the Mormons first set up
Kirtland, Ohio
What years were the Mormons in Kirtland, Ohio
Mormons bought land in Kirtland, Ohio, but what did they build on that land
Homes, a Store, a temple, a mill, a printing press and a bank
The Mormons were very _____
What happened to the Mormon Bank in 1837
due to Economic depression in 1837, bank failed
Why did the Mormon bank fail in 1837
Economic depression 1837
Why did people want the Mormons to leave Kirtland, Ohio
Became jealous of their success, outnumbering them, savings lost from failed bank
What happened to the Mormons in 1837
they were kicked out of Kirtland, Ohio
Where did the Mormons travel to in 1837 after Kirtland, Ohio
How long were the Mormons in missouri
1 year, 1837-1838
What did the Mormons buy a lot of in missouri
what did Mormons build on their land in Missouri
homes and a community in Caldwell county
Mormons built a community in Missouri, but where was the community built
Caldwell County
A secret police force was set up by the Mormons in Missouri, but what were they called
The Danites
in Missouri, the Mormons became very _______
Who were the Danites
a secret police force set up by Mormons in missouri
Who were the Mormons friendly with that no other whites were
plains Indians
what were the Mormons against that every one else supported
Who was friendly with the plains indians
who was against slavery
Why did people want the Mormons out of Missouri
they were for slavery and like Indians, scared of being attacked by danites
What did the people do to the Mormons
burned their homes down, attacked them in homes
The state governor came to restore order in Missouri, but what did he do to restore it
prisoned Joseph Smith
What happened to the Mormons in 1838
kicked out by Missouri people
Where did the Mormons go after Missouri
Nauvoo, Illnois
How long were the Mormons in Nauvoo, Illnois for
8 years, 1838-1846
What was Nauvoo initially called when Mormons moved there
Commerce was a _____ town
The Mormons turned Nauvoo into a ______ community
What did the Mormons begin to practise in nauvoo
what is polygamy
the act of having more than 1 wife
what did the Mormons blame Joseph Smith for being
a dictator
Who was elected as the new mormon leader after what happened to Joseph Smith
Brigham Young after Joseph Smith was shot
Why did the people want the Mormons out of Nauvoo
afraid of being outnumbered
When was Joseph Smith shot by who
1845 by mobs
What did people of Nauvoo do to Mormons to drive them out of their town
got mobs to start killing Mormons including Joseph Smith
Who told the Mormons to leave Illinois
the state governor
Where the Mormons decide to emigrate to
Salt Lake City
What terrain area did Brigham Young decide to take the mormons to and why
They decided to go to the deserted areas near the central Rockies because it was isolated and they wouldn’t be judged
How many Mormons were there in 1846
When the Mormons settled in Salt Lake, what was banned
private ownership - prevents capitalism and unfairness on other people
With bigger families, what were they given to help mormons
large area farms to provide food for the mormons
in 1848, what happened in the USA - Mexico war
USA won Salt Lake of Mexico
who owned Salt lake and why did they go to salt lake
Mexico - no US could judge them and they were free from persecution, nobody else wanted it
Brigham Young applied for Salt Lake to become a state called what
Did the government accept or decline the request for Salt Lake to become a state
What did the government create that included the Salt Lake area
Utah Territory
Who was the first governor of the Utah Territory
Brigham Young
Brigham Young created pioneer bands, what are they and what did they do
a good mix of Mormons who found new towns all over the territory
What was set up by Brigham Young to fund the travelling Mormons to Utah
Perpetual Emigrating Fund
How many new converts had reached Utah in 1855
over 4,000
Where was the gold rush of 1849
Who discovered gold in California and when
James Marshall, 1848
How many people lived in California in 1848
How many people lived in California in 1852
How did people travel to California during the gold rush
on boats and horsebacks
what were the California miners called
what process was used to find gold
what happened to most 49ers after the gold rush of 1849
went home empty handed
What were the negatives of the 1849 Gold Rush
Disease - Cholera and Dysentery, Miners getting drunk and died, lawlessness so common violence, Claim Jumping
What was claim jumping
stealing another miners ‘claim’
What were the positives of California Gold Rush
Miners had places to live, Saloon owners earned tons of money from miners
How many people died travelling on westward trails between 1840-1860
When was the Oregon trail set up
What were the negatives of the westward trails
no protection of Indian tribes, lack of supplies when summer came
Who were the Donner party
41 children and 40 adults, well equipped with 60 wagons and oxens and cattles, led by George and Jacob Donner
who led the donner party
George and Jacob Donner
was George or Jacob Donner experienced in leading the crew
What town did the Donner party leave from when they started there travel west
Town of Independence
The donner party decided to take a shortcut suggested on their trail guide, but what did they go through to where
Utah to Nevada
How much food was left when the donner party reached sierra nevada
almost none
What happened to the Donners in October 1846
trapped on a mountain in rockies, lack of food meant no energy to travel up mountain
What happened to cattles and oxen in donner party in October 1846
many died from heavy snow
What happened to the volunteers in donner party who wanted to fish/hunt for food
froze to death
What did the donner memebers do to survive when they had no hope
they started roasting and cooking the dead members
When they were found by a rescue team, how many donners were left from the amount they had when they left Independence
47 were left from 81 originally
What was the Indian Removal act
moved 46,000 Indians from the east to the west of the mississipi river, promised that they would not be moved ever again, this was called Indian Territory
when was the Indian removal act
who signed the Indian removal act in 1830
President Jackson
What was the Indian Trade and Intercourse act
Defined Indian territory as west of missisipi river, made the Permanent Indian Frontier, kept whites and Indians sperate
What was the border splitting whites and Indians in 1834 called
Permanent Indian Frontier
When was the Indian Trade and Intercourse act
When did Texas become part of the USA
When did USA gain full control over Oregon
Who did USA share Oregon with before fully owning it
When did USA win the war with Mexico
What did USA win in 1848
Mexico war, many west lands including California
When was the Indian Appropriations act
What was the Indian Appropriations act
Provided money to build reservations for Indians, some had hunting grounds, often far from sacred lands and burial grounds
What was the Sioux’s sacred area and why was it sacred
Black hills of Dakota, believed they originated there
When was the Fort Laramie Treaty
17th October 1851
What did the Indians have to do in the Fort Laramie Treaty
End fighting with tribes, Allow migrants to travel safely through lands, permit railroads to be built, Allow government to build roads and army posts, Pay if anyone from tribe broke treaty terms
What did the US government agree to give the Indians in the Fort Laramie Treaty
Protect Indians from White Americans, Pay the tribes $50,000 annuity as long as they kept to the treaty terms
Name a famous tribal leader
Crazy Horse
What was the Kansas-Nebraska act
Formation of 2 new states being Kansas and Nebraska, created to start thousands of farms
When was the Kansas-Nebraska act
Why were water shortages bad for living in Kansas or Nebraska
Water was scarce, Hard to keep clothing clean
Why were water shortages bad for farming in Kansas or Nebraska
Failure of crops, Bankruptcy and starvation, No river/lakes to draw in water
Why was weather bad for living in Kansas or Nebraska
Extreme climates and little rainfall, Hot summers and cold winter
Why was weather bad for farming in Kansas or Nebraska
droughts in the summer so hard to plant
Why was wood bad for living in Kansas or Nebraska
No wood for heating/cooking, only resource was wood to build a house, if no wood for home then buffalo dung used
Why was wood bad for farming in Kansas or Nebraska
No wood to build fences to protect crops
Why were crops bad for living in Kansas or Nebraska
no food
Why were crops bad for farming in Kansas or Nebraska
if crops gained disease from weather they would cause a chain reaction causing others to die too
Why was dirt and disease bad for living in Kansas or Nebraska
dirty roofs and flooring, Snakes and bugs found in houses, illness easily developed
Why was dirt and disease bad for farming in Kansas or Nebraska
Grasshoppers could catch diseases and jumping onto plants makes plants catch illness too
Why was tough land bad for living in Kansas or Nebraska
let to wild fires which could cause death
Why was tough land bad for farming in Kansas or Nebraska
grass had dense/tangled roots so fire could catch onto plants
Why were natural disasters bad for living in Kansas or Nebraska
dry grass causes wildfire causing possible death
Why were natural disasters bad for farming in Kansas or Nebraska
wildfires cause plants and crops to burn and die
Between what 2 decades was lawlessness very common
1840s - 1850s
what was lawlessness
A time of chaos as nobody could enforce law
Name 4 crimes during lawlessness
Alcohol - large consumption , Prostitution - large amount , Cards - gambling , Guns - many drunk males involved
Why was there being different cultured people in America such a problem during lawlessness
no united community
what would fort laramie lead to for the indians
what did the fort laramie treaty allow for settlers
it opened up the plains for the whites to settle on
how many mormons were in each group on average when the mormons travelled to salt lake
100 in each group with a leader
who owned the land when the mormons moved to salt lake
what was the perpetual emigrating fund
a fund created by the mormons to help give money to help mormons in the east travel to salt lake