Early Renaissance Flashcards
the artifacts of human experience- art (paintings, sculpture, architecture) philosophy, history, literature, poetry, and music. the Study of how they relate to one another within a historical time frame
15th century (1400s) is considered the time frame for this period
Early Renaissance
Bringing together knowledge, ideals, and practices with Christian society in Literature and Art
This was the Geographical center for the Early Renaissance
Florence, Italy
What is a Humanist
Focused on what is human (opposed to Christian values)
the 3 humanists we discussed in class were
Dante (Dante’s Inferno)
Petrarch (poet)
Boccaccio (student of Petrarch, wrote the Decameron-no Christian ideas)
This document signed by 3 city-states in 1454 created a peace that lasted for 40 years. This period of peace enabled the humanities
The Peace of Lodi- signed by Milan, Florence, and Venice
Bringing together secular ideas from ancient Greece and Rome with sacred ideas and ideas from middle ages- found in architecture, sculpture, fresco-paintings, and literature
Milan, Venice, and Florence all had different Governments- known as
This technique of painting requires a wall covered in plaster, then a drawing is made on the plaster. Next, the drawing is covered in small amounts of plaster, and then is painted upon. The painting then becomes part of the wall
Fresco Technique
This painting, by artist Botticelli depicts a scene that is completely secular
La Primavera (Spring)
This architect created the dome of the Florence Cathedral- a synthesis of a Roman dome and the vaulted ceiling style of the French
This sculptor created the statue of St. Mark-comissoned by the Linen Weavers Guild. His sculpture is visually styled by Roman sculpture
This artist developed Linear Perspective- a technique used to create dimensional illusion, seen in his painting the Holy Trinity
This author was a Neoplatonist (new student of Plato’s teachings) proposed that humans have free will, and therefore are able to choose how they live their lives in relation to how close to God they are
Pico Della Mirandola
This term describes something that was life-like, or realistic. Also showing emotions
This artist focused on verisimilitude- and married Greek and Roman style art with sacred ideas